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melatina /lettre motivation /correction

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melatina /lettre motivation /correction
Message de melatina posté le 21-02-2010 à 20:48:25 (S | E | F)

Bonsoir à tous, quelqu'un pourrait il corriger ma lettre de motivation pour mon échange erasmus svp?? Merci mille fois par avance.

Dear Sir or Madam,
RE : Erasmus exchange
Studying at Aix en Provence in my second year of LEA and faced with huge opportunity to go abroad the next semester for my study, I am asking for your authorisation to live a part of my third year in Scotland or Ireland thanks to the exchange program of Erasmus. I chose the specialised programme "Information and Communication" to aim me to a school of Marketing after my licence.
Therefore, perfect my English would be necessary and I know this exchange could bring it to me. Explore another country, another culture, try new methods of work... are arguments which made me very little hesitation in choosing a destination far from France. Scotland, like Ireland, whose history interest me very much, attracted me since the beginning to achieve this semester. After having informed on its universities, it became "a passion for the unknown" : I have a great desire to go there and I believe it is time for me to move to another country, university, like yours.
Moreover, the LEA programme asks for a working rigour where the general knowledge is indispensable and where it is necessary to be more amply interested in the functioning of the countries in which we could work later. Having realised multiple trips abroad, in Spain as in England, I built up to myself a big open-mindedness and I think I would have no difficulty of adaptation, even in a country so different from France. Serious and dynamic pupil, buyer of initiatives, I have opportunities to contact my circle of acquaintances.
This academic semester would represent the outcome of my university project and would enter in the coherence of my professional project. I would then be very grateful if you would agree to give me a placement in your university.
I kindly request you to consider my application and the sincerity of my comments.
Your faithfully.
Modifié par bridg le 21-02-2010 21:13


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