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Lettre de motivation/Cambridge

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Lettre de motivation/Cambridge
Message de tacha_78 posté le 11-03-2010 à 20:11:56 (S | E | F)

je voudrais savoir si quelqu'un d'anglophone pourrait m'aider et me dire si ma lettre a des erreurs et si éventuellement on pourrait m'aider à tourner certaines phrases, merci d'avance :

Dear Sir,

Being able to continue their studies abroad is a windfall for foreign languages students, that’s why I am applying to make a semester at the Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge.
I have always tried to open myself to new cultures and I have always been attracted by England more precisely by Cambridge, a prestigious city with a worldwide renown due to its culture historically rich and its specific way of life.
Having the opportunity to live there and to integrate the English student life would be a chance for me not only to improve my English skills but above all to discover and to integrate a different country that mine.
I already had on several occasions, the chance to travel abroad and each time it is a real pleasure to discover the culture and the everyday life of the country I am visiting.
I am very open-minded and I have always loved creating contacts all over the world, there is no better way to make lasting relationships.
Such an exchange in England and for such a long period of time would be, I am sure, a great opportunity to be enriched in difference which is the main purpose of my approach.
Furthermore, I have been working for more than one year after school to be able to finance this exchange; a sacrifice which requires a lot of will which can testify of the solidity and the greatness of my motivation.

I am confident that my motivation will be of interest to you and I look forward to meeting you soon,

Yours sincerely.

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-03-2010 20:52

Réponse: Lettre de motivation/Cambridge de gabi26, postée le 12-03-2010 à 21:00:45 (S | E)

peut-être quelque pistes:
Je ne suis pas sûre de votre traduction de "s'ouvrir à de nouvelles cultures".
Et je dirai plutôt:
"...Cambridge, a prestigious and world-renowned city with its historically rich culture and specific way of life."
" integrate with a country that is different to / from mine." Cependant pas sûre du verbe "integrate" dans le sens ici présent. On intégre un groupe, une communauté...mais un pays. Je crois que j'aurais choisi autre chose.
De même j'aurais plutôt dit "make / have contacts" et non "create contacts", et quelque chose comme "...a great opportunity to thrive on sharing differences..."

"I am confident that my motivation will be of interest to you and (I > répétition inutile) look forward to meeting you soon,

Yours faithfully." > à l'adresse d'un homme dont on connaît pas le nom "faithfully" et non "sincerely"

Bonne soirée.


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