Correction /recherche stage
Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux, chansons || En basCorrection /recherche stage
Message de julianto posté le 16-09-2013 à 15:47:47 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
Je me permets de poster ici car j'ai besoin d'aide sur un email en anglais, pour une recherche de stage:
Dear Sir or Madam,
As a current student in my XXX year at the graduate school of engineering XXX, at Université XXX, located in the city of XXX, near XXX, in France, I am contacting you to request an internship at your institute.
As a engineering student in XXX, due to graduate in 201X, I have to do an abroad internship to validate my XXX year. This internship has to be at least 12 weeks long, and related to my speciality, XXX, and has to be done from May 2014 and August 2014.
I would be very grateful to work on any project about XXX, as an engineer assistant or researcher assistant.
Please find enclosed my CV.
I am completely available to provide you with any further information you may require regarding my candidacy.
Yours faithfully
Si vous avez vu des erreurs de grammaire/orthographe, ou même une mauvaise expression, ou si vous avez des conseils, je suis preneur !
Merci par avance à vous tous.
PS: y a t-il des choses à changer si je l'envoie pour les US/UK ou l'Australie ?
Modifié par lucile83 le 16-09-2013 16:03
Message de julianto posté le 16-09-2013 à 15:47:47 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
Je me permets de poster ici car j'ai besoin d'aide sur un email en anglais, pour une recherche de stage:
Dear Sir or Madam,
As a current student in my XXX year at the graduate school of engineering XXX, at Université XXX, located in the city of XXX, near XXX, in France, I am contacting you to request an internship at your institute.
As a engineering student in XXX, due to graduate in 201X, I have to do an abroad internship to validate my XXX year. This internship has to be at least 12 weeks long, and related to my speciality, XXX, and has to be done from May 2014 and August 2014.
I would be very grateful to work on any project about XXX, as an engineer assistant or researcher assistant.
Please find enclosed my CV.
I am completely available to provide you with any further information you may require regarding my candidacy.
Yours faithfully
Si vous avez vu des erreurs de grammaire/orthographe, ou même une mauvaise expression, ou si vous avez des conseils, je suis preneur !
Merci par avance à vous tous.
PS: y a t-il des choses à changer si je l'envoie pour les US/UK ou l'Australie ?
Modifié par lucile83 le 16-09-2013 16:03
Réponse: Correction /recherche stage de bluestar, postée le 16-09-2013 à 18:33:39 (S | E)
Bonjour...quelques suggestions
As a current student in my XXX year at the Ggraduate Sschool of Eengineering XXX, at Université XXX, located in the city of XXX, near XXX, in France, I am contacting you to request an internship at your institute.
I would be very grateful to work on any project about XXX, as an engineer assistant or researcher assistant.
Please find enclosed my CV.
I am completely available to provide you with any further information you may require regarding my candidacy.
Yours faithfully
Réponse: Correction /recherche stage de sherry48, postée le 17-09-2013 à 03:11:18 (S | E)
Two more small details... from May 2014 and August 2014.... the normal construction would be from May____ August (preposition). Also I would say research assistant. Sherry
Modifié par sherry48 le 17-09-2013 03:11
Réponse: Correction /recherche stage de julianto, postée le 17-09-2013 à 08:44:55 (S | E)
Ok so I'll change abroad with foreign,
and FROM May TO August, I made the mistakes writing the post..
Thanks to all of you !
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