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I or me /help

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I or me /help
Message from mohammad51 posted on 12-12-2019 at 21:00:11 (D | E | F)
This is also another question.
I see it makes headache to all people and perhaps getting different views.
Students also cannot take a steady decision which one to use :I or me especially after the verb " let "
Example :
Let you and_____try what we can do. (I, me) ?

For me, I am satisfied to use (me) because someone gives us a permission to do something.
I noticed two pages or more suggest ( I ) considering subject of the verb ( try )
Something jumped to my mind
If it is : Let me and you ... I see it is Okay
On the other hand, I see : let I and you is not acceptable!
Then the same : let you and me ....
Garner's Modern American Usage in page 509, tells : Let's, you and I
For let us, you and I : says ungrammatical
So, why or what's the difference ?

Edited by lucile83 on 12-12-2019 21:52

Re: I or me /help from lucile83, posted on 12-12-2019 at 22:04:47 (D | E)
Let you and me try what we can do. object
You and I will go to London. ...subject

Re: I or me /help from mohammad51, posted on 13-12-2019 at 12:51:45 (D | E)
Thank you very much dear teacher lucile83
I just want you read the line I painted in blue
( but today's let's you and I [+ verb] is common in spoken and written English alike )

I know, let you and me try .... ( me is in the case of object)
My question is about the following:
a. let's, you and I ....
b. let us, you and I ...

I just noticed in Garner's
But, here I got it, Garner said both forms are ungrammatical
quoted 1 :

Let's you and I. First, think of let's: let us. Us is in the objective case. Another form of the phrase (still in the objective case) would be let you and me (you and me agreeing with us). The construction let you and I is ungrammatical—and fairly rare.

But what about let's you and I? This, too, is ungrammatical—us and you and I being in apposition. [Cross reference omitted.] It's an error of some literary standing. T.S. Eliot began "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" (1917) in this way: "Let us go then, you and I." In that sentence, go is an infinitive without an express to (sometimes called a "bare infinitive"), and an infinitive has as its subject a pronoun (us) in the objective case—not in the nominative case. Yet the appositive for us—namely, you and I—is in the nominative case. This is an oddity, but today's let's you and I [+ verb] is common in spoken and written English alike. H.W. Fowler would have called it a "sturdy indefensible" [examples omitted].
quoted 2 :

As Garner says, "let's you and I" is by no means unusual in written dialogue. From Sam Porter Jones, "Unload Your Hearts," in Sermons by Rev. Sam. P. Jones, as Stenographically Reported (1887):

Brother! Young man! Father! Husband! Hear me a minute now.Let's you and I help unload mother's heart tonight! Let's you and I help unload wife's heart to-night! Let's you and I help unload our children's hearts to-night.

From Dorothy Parker, "Just a Little One" (New Yorker, May 12, 1928), reprinted in Complete Stories (2002):

Re: I or me /help from lucile83, posted on 13-12-2019 at 15:04:51 (D | E)
My answer was about 'Let you and me try what we can do. object', not 'Let's...'
In 'let's' you can see 'us' which means 'you and me'.

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