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Reduced/ relative clause

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Reduced/ relative clause
Message from mohammad51 posted on 21-08-2021 at 15:19:39 (D | E | F)
please get me help with this: Reducing a relative clause.

He sold the horse which belonged to his brother.
He sold the horse belonged or belonging to his brother.
Which is correct? belonged or belonging

Re: Reduced/ relative clause from gerondif, posted on 21-08-2021 at 17:38:30 (D | E)
He sold his brother's horse.
He sold the horse belonging to his brother.
He sold the horse that was his brother's.

Re: Reduced/ relative clause from mohammad51, posted on 21-08-2021 at 22:12:49 (D | E)
Thank you very much dear teacher gerondif
For the third example you mentioned I see it does nothing
Not reduced It contains ( that) = It is still Relative in subordinating clause
He sold the horse that was his brother's.
that was his horse's = noun clause OR perhaps Adjective telling ( which horse )
You see!
Anyway I got advantage of you since you chose ( belonging)
I have noticed many learners or perhaps authors, writers etc.. some of them tend to use the past participle, others use the present participle with the same examples of mine.
Is not there a rule ?
Here is it from one PPT online :
Reduced relative clause Notice the last example \ passive form
The author of the PPT suggested removing ( was + that) keeping on the past participle written
Yes, it is correct here
It is not reasonable to say : writing by

When a defining relative clause contains… • A continuous or passive verb form • We can often leave out… • Who • That • Which • And the auxiliary • Everyone (who is) living in the village suffers from both insomnia and amnesia. •
The first novel (that was) written by the Chilean author Isabel Allende

One friend suggested changing ( belonged ) to owned as
He sold the horse owned by his brother. I see it looks fine
So, if ( owned ) = acceptable, why ( belonged) is not ?

Re: Reduced/ relative clause from gerondif, posted on 21-08-2021 at 22:59:25 (D | E)
It is a question of meaning.
Belonging means : which is the property of.
The house belonging to John is nice.

To own means to have, to possess.
The house that John owns/ has/ possesses/ is nice.
The house owned by John is nice. (passive voice)

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Forum > English only


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