Will / be going to do
Forum > English only || BottomWill / be going to do
Message from qaz879 posted on 09-10-2013 at 15:39:27 (D | E | F)
Could you help me please?
Thank you for your answers.
what is the difference between will and be going to?
Edited by lucile83 on 09-10-2013 17:16
Message from qaz879 posted on 09-10-2013 at 15:39:27 (D | E | F)
Could you help me please?
Thank you for your answers.
what is the difference between will and be going to?
Edited by lucile83 on 09-10-2013 17:16
Re: Will / be going to do from angel7, posted on 10-10-2013 at 18:52:52 (D | E)
here is a link
Hope it helps
Edited by angel7 on 10-10-2013 18:56
Re: Will / be going to do from again57, posted on 10-10-2013 at 19:03:26 (D | E)
I'd also add that "will" is a kind of Swiss knife, in other words you can use it all the time, even if your action is premeditated.
Re: Will / be going to do from douratex, posted on 17-10-2013 at 13:39:27 (D | E)
Edited by lucile83 on 17-10-2013 22:09
Message rempli de fautes et très mal formulé, effacé.
Re: Will / be going to do from angel7, posted on 17-10-2013 at 18:56:39 (D | E)
Hello douratex,
"to be going to do" is formed with the present continous but it expresses an idea of a near future.
example: I am going to buy a pen.
the action of buying a pen doesn't take place while I speak but it'll happen.
Take care.
Re: Will / be going to do from sum, posted on 17-10-2013 at 19:18:04 (D | E)
Going to and will both can be used for future time.'Going to' uses for something agreed,determined before.But 'Will' uses for something you decide at the moment of speaking suddenly without thinking extra. Lets explain this with an example:
Mary comes and asks help from her father
- '' Dad,Can you help me with my homework?''
+ ''No, I can't. I'am busy now. I will help you in the afternoon.''
Here ,the dad uses 'will' because he newly decided to help her ;at the moment of talking. Lets disturb dad more and let this being understood more .This time dad's son shows up an wants help
-''Dad, can you repair my bicycle this afternoon?''
+No, I can't. I am going to help Mary this afternoon. I'll repair your bicycle tomorrow.
Here ,Dad promised Mary before.He was planned it before .So he used 'going to'.But dad didnt planned or determined or promised to his son any before he just promised at the momet of talking without planning and thinking effectively
Edited by lucile83 on 17-10-2013 22:11
Too many errors to correct.
Re: Will / be going to do from mariam0, posted on 30-10-2013 at 20:33:41 (D | E)
thank you everyone for your postings.
they were really very good and helpful.

Forum > English only