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Correction/ past participle

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Correction/ past participle
Message from jscottseptembre posted on 18-12-2013 at 20:28:14 (D | E | F)
Hello everybody,

I wrote a text in English, however, since English is not my first language, I would appreciate it if somebody could correct it. The text is the following:

"Agreements of the past participle are often inconsistent, as the French spelling. These agreements are also too long to teach and far from current uses. In this article, the author exposes his proposals for a reform. His arguments are original, because only semantic (not syntactic).
The introduction explains the problem of the past participle. In the first two parts, the author presents the theoretical bases of his proposals. In the third part, these theoretical bases result in three original and easily explainable rules. The conclusion compares the individualistic current conception of the past participle with the hierarchical author's conception. At last, a little bibliography is attached: articles and books."

Thanks in advance.

Edited by lucile83 on 18-12-2013 22:30

Re: Correction/ past participle from notrepere, posted on 19-12-2013 at 23:25:10 (D | E)
Hello everybody,

I wrote a text in English. However, since English is not my first language, I would appreciate it if somebody could correct it. The text is the following:

"Agreements of the past participle (Past participle agreements) are often inconsistent, as the French spelling (I don't understand). These agreements are also too long(difficult?) to teach and far from current uses(practice?). In this article, the author exposes(not the best verb) his proposals for a reform. His arguments are original, because only semantic (not syntactic) (is something missing here???).
The introduction explains the problem of the past participle. In the first two parts, the author presents the theoretical bases of his proposals. In the third part, these theoretical bases result in three original and easily explainable rules.

The conclusion compares the individualistic current conception of the past participle with the hierarchical author's conception. At last, a little bibliography is attached: articles and books."

Thanks in advance.

The sentence in blue doesn't make any sense to me.

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Forum > English only


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