33538 sujets
Par ordre alphabétique
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<< | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | >> |
- Envoyer au tapis (2008-05-28 18:29:34)
- Envoyer une carte (2006-07-14 09:34:48)
- envoyes une enigme? (2004-05-23 14:34:22)
- EO Bac/aide (2016-03-20 11:11:52)
- EO/Bac aide (2019-04-19 10:10:41)
- EO/Bac help (2019-04-19 11:57:59)
- EO/Idée de progrès (2017-05-04 07:43:32)
- EO/Myths and heroes (2017-05-02 10:41:32)
- EO/Myths and heroes (2018-05-19 14:58:08)
- EO/Places and forms of power (2017-05-02 18:11:38)
- EO/Places and forms of power (2018-05-19 14:51:01)
- EO/Space and Exchanges (2017-05-01 20:52:12)
- EO/Spaces and exchanges (2017-05-02 18:17:37)
- EOC bac pro 2012 (2011-11-26 02:22:00)
- EOC/////Défendre idée (2018-04-22 15:38:10)
- EOC/Locations and Forms of power (2017-11-11 18:04:06)
- EOC/Locations and Forms of power (2017-11-18 23:45:06)
- épeler une adresse mail (2006-10-13 21:50:49)
- Epistemic or root value (2010-01-13 14:23:54)
- Epreuve / CAP Esthétique (2015-02-19 12:36:20)
- Epreuve CAP ?!? (2014-05-18 11:10:40)
- Épreuve CAP anglais session 2021 (2020-09-01 18:48:07)
- Epreuve d'anglais au BEES 2 (2006-04-11 17:41:27)
- Epreuve d'anglais au BTS!?? (2005-06-02 12:18:00)
- Epreuve d'anglais BEP 'rénové (2011-04-29 12:00:26)
- Épreuve d'E.L.E. (2008-10-10 22:17:46)
- Epreuve de grammaire de Capes (2008-05-18 22:40:16)
- Epreuve de leçon (2012-04-13 09:56:47)
- Epreuve de Lecon juin 2013 - Aide sujet (2013-04-11 15:28:15)
- Épreuve de synthèse (2008-11-13 20:08:05)
- Epreuve de Version Anglaise (2006-03-28 10:48:31)
- epreuve orale (2007-02-03 18:25:30)
- Épreuve orale : grammaire capes externe (2006-11-11 12:52:23)
- épreuve orale d'espagnol (LV2) (2014-05-03 01:13:41)
- Epreuve Préprofessionnelle Capes Anglais (2008-11-17 14:40:56)
- Epreuves anglais et espagnol (2008-03-17 14:41:55)
- Épreuves d'admission au PLP (2012-01-25 19:07:57)
- Épreuves d'admission pour le capes 2 (2008-03-25 21:08:11)
- Èpreuves du capes externe (2008-01-25 20:30:09)
- épreuves orales session 2008 (2008-01-20 16:22:38)
- Equality Men-Women/ Aide (2005-03-21 13:10:28)
- equipping kitchen (2004-11-01 21:52:13)
- Équivalence /maman de cœur (2011-01-04 19:26:32)
- Équivalence de diplôme (2009-07-13 12:24:12)
- Equivalence de diplôme ? (2006-05-30 14:29:53)
- Equivalence de l'imparfait / anglais (2009-09-20 21:02:18)
- Equivalence des temps (2005-04-20 09:13:41)
- Equivalence des diplomes anglais (2008-10-19 13:30:28)
- equivalence fr vs an!! (2004-10-20 00:12:03)
- équivalence PGCE en France- reconversion (2013-08-21 16:07:25)
- Equivalence TOEIC (2011-06-02 20:16:27)
- Équivalent (2008-09-19 23:18:54)
- Equivalent 'Major de promotion' (2006-10-21 14:57:56)
- Equivalent / presque (2011-12-26 16:53:40)
- Equivalent /ça m' énerve (2016-05-05 04:16:24)
- Équivalent à 'écriture ? (2010-02-07 21:39:47)
- Equivalent CPGE (2008-08-12 14:38:15)
- Équivalent de College (2007-10-24 11:22:23)
- Équivalent de diplômes (2009-06-18 21:54:28)
- équivalent de l'iufm en Irlande??? (2006-05-31 11:28:48)
- Équivalent diplôme francais => anglais (2010-12-01 09:43:40)
- Equivalent en Anglais... (2004-06-15 15:27:46)
- équivalent en français... (2008-02-27 13:03:52)
- Equivalent système scolaire (2010-10-01 15:36:52)
- Equivalents/modaux (2013-07-14 21:25:00)
- erasmus avant la licence? (2008-03-14 13:29:48)
- Erasmus lettre (2010-02-10 01:48:04)
- Erasmus rapport (2010-06-09 13:52:11)
- Erasmus-/correction (2010-02-19 15:46:08)
- Erasmus/ programme (2016-03-09 21:33:01)
- Erasmus/Lettre Motivation (2012-01-31 16:11:26)
- Erasmus/quel niveau (2014-08-19 18:10:58)
- Erasmus: indispensable pour être prof? (2007-05-07 14:39:03)
- Erasmus? (2008-04-27 22:30:00)
- Ergonomie actuelle du forum (2005-02-19 10:13:13)
- erreur des corrections (2006-01-05 00:37:36)
- erreur grammaticale (2007-01-06 20:33:13)
- erreur sur l'heure (2005-08-07 09:50:39)
- erreur sur le jeu de vocabulaire (2006-05-17 16:24:28)
- Erreur/ syntaxe (2015-11-04 10:38:01)
- Erreur/I don't know if I can see you (2010-04-05 11:48:11)
- Erreur/verbe (2016-03-01 00:07:42)
- Erreur?/He is always doing his homework (2010-04-03 19:01:25)
- Erreurs / syntaxe (2012-11-29 21:58:26)
- Erreurs de conjugaison (2009-04-28 19:00:46)
- Erreurs fréquentes/aide (2014-09-19 11:56:53)
- erreurs ou pas ? (2004-11-03 20:38:55)
- Erreurs/ aide (2012-10-31 17:02:42)
- Erreurs/ mon résumé (2012-02-09 21:42:59)
- error recognition (2006-08-15 19:36:47)
- Errors/ my story (2024-08-24 19:39:02)
- escuser moi!!! (2004-05-12 10:39:52)
- ESIT / ISIT (2008-11-22 18:32:35)
- Espace de réponses/ exercices (2011-10-04 20:04:33)
- Espace et échange/correction (2014-01-05 20:37:19)
- Espace et échanges/oral (2014-05-11 19:27:36)
- Espaces et échanges (et all) (2013-05-25 15:27:53)
- Espaces et échanges/Correction (2015-04-03 17:49:59)
- Espaces et Echanges/oral (2016-02-26 11:16:40)
- Espaces et échanges/Oral (2018-05-06 08:54:23)
- Espaces et échanges/original (2014-04-19 22:34:55)
- Espagnol (2006-02-14 12:11:57)
- Espagnol bilangue en 6e (2011-09-06 18:28:59)
- Espagnol ou Allemand (2006-08-24 10:22:59)
- Espagnol ou Italien (2006-03-29 19:27:54)
- Espagnol: capes 2008/entraînements (2008-01-30 21:13:13)
- espagnol: verbes irréguliers (2006-12-20 15:23:15)
- espagnolfacile.com (2005-10-16 10:22:44)
- Espagnolfacile=>forum (2005-08-31 10:19:25)
- ESPE - CAPES (2013-07-27 15:53:16)
- espèce de. (2005-02-21 12:10:31)
- Espéranto (2004-06-27 19:53:23)
- espérer (2004-04-10 10:43:00)
- Espion à corriger (2008-05-25 13:45:24)
- Espoir/regret (2016-01-26 13:11:04)
- Essai (2004-10-10 18:47:15)
- essai (2008-01-10 16:17:12)
- Essai & documents (2012-03-31 02:39:30)
- Essai /correction (2018-01-13 22:23:59)
- Essai /grands-parents (2013-04-29 23:19:35)
- Essai /liberté des enfants (2013-04-29 21:27:15)
- Essai /structure - grammaire (2010-12-09 15:17:00)
- Essai concours/correction (2013-02-28 12:39:10)
- Essai d'anglais (2011-02-19 10:38:39)
- Essai de dissertation (2010-12-24 15:53:23)
- Essai de traduction français/anglais (2006-06-15 23:57:15)
- Essai email /compatibility (2011-02-09 17:12:25)
- Essai intéressant... (2004-11-25 10:08:07)
- Essai/ are all lies bad? (2011-09-17 23:22:06)
- Essai/ correction (2012-10-07 15:55:48)
- Essai/ Dracula (2014-11-29 15:26:39)
- Essai/ les téléphones (2012-04-26 17:38:45)
- Essai/ résultatives (2017-03-17 07:13:47)
- Essai/ University (2010-09-13 19:01:10)
- Essai/ vérification (2015-10-29 09:06:29)
- Essai/A week in London (2011-11-09 19:30:50)
- Essai/aide (2016-04-25 23:48:54)
- Essai/bac 2012, série S (2012-10-02 21:37:19)
- Essai/Brexit (2016-04-19 15:29:51)
- Essai/correction (2013-07-01 00:54:20)
- Essai/correction (2017-04-23 16:24:24)
- Essai/crowdfunding (2016-04-10 16:26:03)
- Essai/Dress code (2013-05-09 15:16:45)
- Essai/éducation (2012-02-27 22:32:42)
- Essai/External appearances (2015-08-25 13:41:22)
- Essai/job d'été (2012-11-16 23:07:43)
- Essai/le rêve américain (2015-11-03 14:35:42)
- Essai/lettre (2011-02-12 12:07:38)
- Essai/Middle East (2015-08-20 16:33:07)
- Essai/Mythes, Héros (2016-03-20 12:29:48)
- Essai/pétrole et environnement (2011-02-09 17:54:08)
- Essai/resist temptation (2010-12-22 21:01:37)
- Essai/TV programme (2018-05-19 19:28:52)
- Essais poétiques... (2008-01-11 18:40:06)
- essay (2005-04-26 21:59:48)
- Essay (2011-01-13 02:06:42)
- Essay - The emerging-market banks (2010-05-28 17:25:46)
- Essay / The Statue of Liberty (2010-09-22 23:13:50)
- Essay /African country (2010-05-12 21:06:12)
- Essay /Can we laugh at anything (2012-03-06 15:47:13)
- Essay /correction (2012-06-25 14:14:44)
- Essay /Youth crime (2012-01-07 22:44:22)
- Essay 3/correction (2019-07-02 15:59:05)
- Essay : Space Conquest (2006-05-09 12:48:51)
- Essay about elections in the UK (2010-05-03 20:43:15)
- Essay about father and son (2009-04-16 17:23:41)
- Essay about Germany (2010-03-16 13:52:21)
- Essay d'anglais (2008-11-27 16:21:45)
- Essay Dr house (2010-04-12 15:34:51)
- Essay on crisis identity (2011-05-01 20:44:59)
- Essay on Liverpool city (2011-03-12 00:00:19)
- Essay sur les vacances (2009-12-13 18:29:15)
- Essay TOEIC/ quel avis (2013-09-27 14:13:59)
- Essay+ideas (2010-01-17 20:50:58)
- Essay-interview (2010-04-27 17:15:31)
- Essay/ a portrait (2010-09-14 20:13:54)
- Essay/ my passion (2010-04-16 10:34:04)
- Essay/ past tense (2019-07-30 16:28:34)
- Essay/ technology (2011-05-01 16:01:06)
- Essay/ very short questions (2010-04-29 10:39:29)
- Essay/ You are what you eat (2009-11-23 19:05:45)
- Essay/about a film (2009-09-17 20:19:35)
- Essay/Ambition (2011-08-23 14:00:25)
- Essay/Children and Parents (2010-05-22 05:15:21)
- Essay/correction (2010-04-16 06:59:05)
- Essay/correction (2012-04-09 17:55:21)
- Essay/Correction (2012-04-17 02:02:45)
- Essay/Correction (2012-07-25 21:32:09)
- Essay/Correction (2012-08-07 18:34:02)
- Essay/Correction (2012-08-13 11:59:40)
- Essay/correction (2015-04-22 18:30:06)
- Essay/correction (2019-06-25 17:21:57)
- Essay/cover letter (2010-04-26 19:25:04)
- Essay/election of president (2011-05-23 12:16:06)
- Essay/encounters change life or not? (2010-04-18 12:38:54)
- Essay/facilities in cities (2018-04-11 11:52:41)
- Essay/freedom of research (2013-05-05 17:53:50)
- Essay/Holiday and country (2012-02-15 18:21:39)
- Essay/Last Chance (2015-10-28 13:20:17)
- Essay/prevention of pandemic (2014-12-10 17:05:03)
- Essay/Rewarding employees (2015-04-25 16:15:53)
- Essence (2005-08-02 10:37:35)
- Est ce correct ? (2009-08-24 18:40:04)
- est ce grave docteur?? (2004-04-29 08:57:30)
- est ce juste? (2008-01-04 18:42:23)
- Est ce que c'est juste (2008-06-28 19:14:43)
- Est ce que je n'ai pas fait de faute (2006-05-20 20:51:38)
- Est ce que? (2005-04-06 19:09:02)
- Est- ce que mes phrases sont justes? (2007-03-24 02:04:04)
- Est-ce bien ? (2009-05-12 01:04:15)
- Est-ce bon ? (2004-05-04 22:14:47)
- Est-ce correct ? (2010-08-15 10:57:49)
- Est-ce correct en anglais ? (2009-02-27 10:12:18)
- Est-ce correct? (2006-05-29 14:52:55)
- Est-ce de l'anglais? (2006-10-18 19:48:11)
- Est-ce du présent simple ou pas ? (2005-12-30 11:38:37)
- Est-ce exact? (2008-07-14 14:15:49)
- est-ce jouable (2005-10-20 20:17:33)
- Est-ce que c'est allumé ? (2009-05-03 17:12:30)
- Est-ce que j'ai fait des erreurs? (2008-10-11 23:19:02)
- Est-ce que ma phrase est correcte ? (2008-04-20 22:15:03)
- Est-ce que.... (2004-07-05 09:28:07)
- Est-ce que/aide (2017-02-04 07:29:29)
- Estate and a mansion (2009-05-01 16:36:05)
- esturgeon /Lettre de motivation (2009-03-09 21:40:39)
- Et si nous comparions encore ! (thème) (2009-06-16 17:18:58)
- Et après (le niveau débutant)? (2006-01-08 20:00:50)
- Et après le CAPES ? (2013-02-25 18:32:37)
- Et caetera /Traduction (2009-09-23 07:25:48)
- et les autres! (2004-11-17 18:54:27)
- et les chansons? (2004-09-16 14:32:09)
- Et mon esprit /aide (2014-10-06 19:26:33)
- Et oui encore moi (2005-05-12 12:53:56)
- Et pourtant/aide (2023-03-15 20:58:25)
- Et s'il y avait des fautes? (2006-10-25 23:16:26)
- Et si / about (2013-01-25 17:18:21)
- Et voilà du thème! (2006-02-16 20:06:45)
- État civil / CV anglais et américain (2011-01-18 15:33:56)
- Etats-Unis / Correction (2009-10-31 15:06:43)
- Etats-Unis/système fédéral (2013-02-04 13:44:44)
- Éteindre le feu (2008-02-18 19:48:37)
- Ethics - Thème (2009-10-31 15:27:27)
- Ethics - Version (2009-11-01 12:00:12)
- Ethics and business/aide (2016-06-11 21:00:48)
- étourdie (2004-08-27 15:26:00)
- Étrange terminaison (2009-02-01 12:12:03)
- Etrange vision (aide) (2007-03-06 21:46:34)
- Etranger et devenir professeur en France (2012-01-15 15:09:10)
- être à l'ecoute (2007-11-24 18:59:27)
- Etre au collège (correction) (2008-05-15 17:33:52)
- Être diplômé de (2009-01-23 19:04:31)
- Être en congé parental?en anglais (2009-01-28 16:54:45)
- Etre envoyé par le fond/aide (2019-11-16 18:48:03)
- être et avoir (2004-09-27 08:53:22)
- Etre ou avoir/ pourquoi (2018-02-28 14:05:49)
- Être présent sur quelque chose (2011-02-07 21:59:57)
- être prof d'anglais en étant espagno (2007-11-21 22:25:52)
- Etre professeur de français sans capes (2009-09-22 06:54:06)
- Etre sujet à /subir (2010-10-06 20:19:46)
- Être sur la réserve/essence (2012-01-09 12:06:38)
- Etre- avoir/aide (2013-09-03 13:50:08)
- Etude à distance (2011-04-30 23:05:23)
- Étude à l'étranger (2011-08-26 19:36:34)
- Etude au Mexique (2013-12-19 10:56:33)
- Étude d'une nouvelle en seconde (2010-04-22 19:48:56)
- étude d'une oeuvre complète (2007-11-10 13:47:47)
- Etude de 2 phrases (2009-04-22 08:28:13)
- étude de documents (2005-10-10 18:13:11)
- Étude de texte & livres (2012-02-27 20:27:56)
- étude par correspondance (2006-01-27 21:03:27)
- Étude pédagogique /espagnol-aide (2012-02-07 13:26:08)
- Etude scientifique (correction) (2005-10-21 18:21:53)
- Etudes (2006-02-14 23:27:23)
- Etudes à l'étranger, mail (2010-07-23 19:59:50)
- études à l'étranger (2004-07-01 14:05:50)
- études a létranger (2004-05-06 17:51:09)
- Etudes d'interprète (2009-08-12 20:58:51)
- Etudes en Angleterre (2005-04-21 21:31:19)
- Etudes en Angleterre après le bac (2010-10-24 19:32:38)
- Etudes en Espagne après un bachibac (2019-01-21 13:25:10)
- Études professeur documentaliste (2020-07-07 18:32:30)
- Etudes universitaires en Anglais (2005-10-17 23:10:09)
- Etudiant à l'étranger (2007-09-19 20:40:00)
- Etudiant capes anglais NICE (2012-09-25 18:56:13)
- Étudiant enseigne à un collégien (2011-09-01 23:58:19)
- Etudiante Etrangère - CAFEP-CAPES (2012-05-18 00:26:50)
- Etudiants Anglais LCE 1ère année? (2007-01-28 14:15:53)
- étudiants en espagnol à clermont-ferrand (2007-11-29 13:36:53)
- étudiants iufm de nice (2007-09-04 12:14:49)
- Étudier 4 mois à l'étranger (2008-01-19 19:10:33)
- Etudier à l'etranger (2005-01-14 14:47:09)
- Étudier à l'étranger (2010-03-24 14:22:10)
- Etudier à l'étranger/aide (2016-01-30 12:38:35)
- Etudier à l'étranger (2004-10-22 14:42:12)
- étudier aux états unis (2019-02-13 15:10:30)
- Étudier aux USA (2009-11-16 22:22:46)
- Etudier en Angleterre (2004-07-14 23:18:51)
- Étudier en Angleterre (2009-06-17 19:50:00)
- Etudier en Angleterre (2012-02-09 11:19:45)
- Étudier en Angleterre ? (2008-03-05 00:08:27)
- Etudier en Angletterre (2012-02-07 23:49:26)
- Etudier en Australie (2005-10-09 23:44:46)
- Etudier en Espagne (2008-03-11 17:14:29)
- Étudier en France ou partir (2008-08-22 02:14:19)
- étudier et vivre à l'étranger (2005-03-19 18:17:15)
- Étudier une nouvelle (2010-02-24 18:59:58)
- Etudier une oeuvre en LLCE 1_re année an (2008-10-11 15:12:32)
- Eudora Welty The robber Bridgroom (2007-04-08 18:34:37)
- Euh pour un noob HELP!!! (2004-07-27 20:17:27)
- euhm !!! interesting ! (2005-01-14 23:06:43)
- Euro 2004: French (2004-06-19 02:09:39)
- European union/aide (2014-04-03 17:15:51)
- Eurovision malte 2009 (2009-06-02 20:22:46)
- eurythmics a traduire (2004-08-25 15:27:17)
- Evacom anglais (2009-05-16 11:18:01)
- évaluation A2 au brevet (2009-07-08 08:04:54)
- Evaluation d'entrée en formation (2013-03-25 15:42:01)
- Évaluation de l'oral (2009-10-23 18:58:15)
- Evaluation de l'oral? (2006-08-21 19:59:19)
- Evaluation des élèves (2019-09-09 17:04:13)
- Evaluation fin 5° (2008-04-01 16:50:47)
- Évaluation join the team 4e (2008-09-09 19:20:29)
- Evaluation/ essay (2016-04-28 03:27:19)
- Evaluation/ infirmière (2015-03-27 20:18:17)
- Évaluation/should have (2015-11-05 19:04:21)
- évaluations : varier ses remarques (2007-08-16 12:06:40)
- Evaluations et comparaisons (2009-06-02 22:50:10)
- evanescence vous aimez ? (2005-01-11 19:14:35)
- Even / Although (2012-11-02 12:39:02)
- Even if + futur-present (2011-09-22 19:02:36)
- Even if /even though (2018-07-17 06:54:05)
- Even if/futur ou présent (2011-09-22 23:24:20)
- Even one / either (2024-01-14 12:49:25)
- Even so/still (2021-10-13 17:48:38)
- even though (2004-05-26 16:16:05)
- Even though / even if (2009-03-11 12:57:49)
- Even-still -again/aide (2015-02-06 10:49:46)
- even/even so (2007-06-05 19:25:56)
- Ever / Never (2012-05-02 17:50:30)
- Ever /never (2012-08-18 19:11:18)
- ever been to the states? (2004-07-29 15:17:14)
- Ever et never/aide (2013-10-10 18:07:09)
- Ever ou never (2005-05-29 11:01:23)
- Ever ou never/aide (2014-01-17 08:27:39)
- Ever/always (2007-01-30 20:28:55)
- Ever/emploi (2013-04-11 09:10:51)
- Ever/question (2017-12-05 17:32:04)
- Ever/signification (2011-11-08 18:50:27)
- Every day ou everyday (2010-09-07 06:04:00)
- Every day/ present perfect (2018-05-14 17:26:31)
- Every time/ Each time-Whenever (2021-06-27 20:43:17)
- everybody (2007-12-02 02:58:12)
- Everybody et présent (2010-01-17 16:48:10)
- everybody/everyone (2004-04-05 17:36:58)
- Everyday /expressions (2013-02-11 20:04:33)
- Everyone's day (2007-08-06 17:17:59)
- everything just so (2004-11-01 17:13:45)
- Everything's Rosie/aide (2014-08-07 23:05:03)
- Everything/ place (2012-10-27 18:24:40)
- everything/all (2006-05-06 23:41:45)
- Everything/anything (2012-04-12 17:18:15)
- éviter la traduction française (2005-12-11 21:54:57)
- Évitez 'Got' (2007-11-29 01:04:45)
- Evolution / correction (2009-04-26 14:21:54)
- Evolution/ British Empire (2019-04-28 02:02:19)
- Ex 100/ Time flies (2017-01-30 22:35:26)
- Ex 101/ C'est reparti (2017-02-13 23:42:03)
- Ex 102/ working on a holiday (2017-03-02 22:50:16)
- Ex 104/ trying to satisfy all of you (2017-04-01 07:21:40)
- Ex 105/ please, be careful (2017-04-18 14:36:44)
- Ex 106/ well done! Let's go on (2017-05-03 19:12:52)
- Ex 107/a little clearer (2017-05-22 11:45:30)
- Ex 108/getting used to the rules (2017-05-30 23:52:22)
- Ex 109/ another difficult one! (2017-06-16 06:39:08)
- Ex 110/ Another one for you (2017-06-29 17:34:25)
- Ex 111/not easier than expected (2017-07-15 23:03:18)
- Ex 112/a holiday reflexion (2017-07-30 08:28:30)
- Ex 113/ hardworking students (2017-08-15 17:13:49)
- Ex 114/ going, going (2017-08-30 23:12:17)
- Ex 115/End of the holiday (2017-09-15 23:20:12)
- Ex 116/ early, for once... (2017-09-29 23:41:09)
- Ex 119/ with enthusiasm but moderation (2017-11-14 08:15:14)
- Ex 121/ enthusiastic as ever (2017-12-17 23:58:40)
- Ex 123/ still on holiday? (2018-01-15 23:56:02)
- Ex 124/ gaining momentum (2018-01-30 23:07:49)
- Ex 125/ keeping pace (2018-02-13 23:42:21)
- Ex 126/ frozen by February (2018-02-27 23:03:45)
- Ex 128/ cooler, now (2018-03-29 23:45:32)
- Ex 129/ Enjoy yourselves (2018-04-15 07:57:28)
- Ex 130/ hard enough? (2018-04-30 21:21:24)
- Ex 131/ more days off (2018-05-15 22:58:49)
- Ex 132/ back to normal (2018-05-30 23:52:25)
- Ex 133/with computers on our side (2018-06-20 23:13:32)
- Ex 134/ going on steady (2018-06-30 19:27:52)
- Ex 135/ hard to connect (2018-07-16 23:28:50)
- Ex 136/ after emotions and suspense (2018-07-30 21:58:47)
- Ex 137/ oppressed by the heat (2018-08-16 23:27:47)
- Ex 138/ able to breathe again (2018-08-30 23:22:16)
- Ex 139/ready for another year (2018-09-19 11:25:42)
- Ex 140/ school's hard to go back to (2018-10-02 22:22:00)
- Ex 141/let me catch my breath, please (2018-10-14 22:29:14)
- Ex 142/ I did it again (2018-10-29 23:07:09)
- Ex 143/ Fingers crossed (2018-11-25 00:13:26)
- Ex 144/ working and learning (2018-11-28 23:48:41)
- Ex 145/ Slowing down a little (2018-12-10 23:55:11)
- Ex 146/ panting and feverish (2018-12-30 23:51:45)
- Ex 147/new page, New Year, new hopes (2019-01-15 22:51:00)
- Ex 148/ did you say easy? (2019-01-29 23:47:34)
- Ex 149/ easier, this time (2019-02-12 23:11:10)
- Ex 150/ Rolling on (2019-02-26 23:41:34)
- Ex 151/ Ready but forgotten (2019-03-17 23:47:45)
- Ex 152/ Please, tell me (2019-03-30 23:33:55)
- Ex 153/ Hope you'll like it... (2019-04-15 23:47:59)
- Ex 154/ ever so sad (2019-04-29 23:55:27)
- Ex 155/ getting used to panic (2019-05-13 23:25:04)
- Ex 156/ in pouring rain, or stormy wind.. (2019-05-31 07:22:10)
- Ex 157/in the sun now... Hopefully (2019-06-17 23:25:28)
- Ex 158/ where's the sun? (2019-06-29 23:25:18)
- Ex 159/ bathing in the heat (2019-07-15 23:35:28)
- Ex 16 / A little variety (2014-10-09 09:40:02)
- Ex 160/ wherever you are (2019-07-29 23:50:45)
- Ex 161/ from Tuscany (2019-08-13 23:40:30)
- Ex 162/ still in the sun and heat (2019-09-03 17:14:31)
- Ex 163/back to work and school (2019-09-14 23:26:06)
- Ex 164/Indian summer everywhere (2019-09-29 23:06:28)
- Ex 165/Did you say autumn? (2019-10-14 23:25:17)
- Ex 166/tell me what you need (2019-10-31 06:01:15)
- Ex 167/let's try this (2019-11-17 09:48:55)
- Ex 168/ Facile ou pas (2019-11-28 22:59:21)
- Ex 169/let's translate again (2019-12-13 23:17:18)
- Ex 171/Yippee! A new translation! (2020-01-18 04:27:23)
- Ex 172/a few more tricky sentences (2020-01-30 23:27:22)
- Ex 173/a longer translation (2020-02-14 23:46:00)
- Ex 174/a few more idioms to find (2020-02-29 13:36:19)
- Ex 175/ Let's translate and imagine (2020-03-15 21:09:22)
- Ex 176/no expression,this time (2020-04-10 23:13:00)
- Ex 177/isolated,but not lonely (2020-04-29 22:14:11)
- Ex 178/still confined and weary (2020-05-15 23:52:55)
- Ex 179/on the way to Freedom (2020-05-30 21:45:43)
- Ex 180/out of lockdown (2020-06-21 10:26:03)
- Ex 181/free at last (2020-07-18 15:05:30)
- Ex 182/ willing to work (2020-07-18 23:09:45)
- Ex 183/ to be, or not to be... a policeman (2020-07-30 23:51:27)
- Ex 185/heat and storms (2020-08-31 12:13:40)
- Ex 186/Back home, but not to normal (2020-09-15 09:11:43)
- Ex 187/reaching our cruising speed? (2020-09-30 08:52:43)
- Ex 188/ not too difficult (2020-10-14 15:07:34)
- Ex 189/leaving, or not leaving (2020-10-30 23:02:42)
- Ex 190/not out of the woods (2020-11-14 22:59:09)
- Ex 191/confined again (2020-11-29 23:09:55)
- Ex 192/almost free (2020-12-13 23:30:47)
- Ex 193/ long is the way (2020-12-29 23:19:32)
- Ex 194/good riddance 2020- Happy 2021 (2021-01-15 23:31:51)
- Ex 196/still under pressure (2021-02-13 22:50:48)
- Ex 197/are things better? (2021-02-27 22:50:38)
- Ex 198/let's go on hoping (2021-03-14 23:15:23)
- Ex 199/still hoping, but weary (2021-03-30 23:41:32)
- Ex 200/let's be patient (2021-04-14 23:36:23)
- Ex 201/Not better at all (2021-04-28 23:28:44)
- Ex 202/still confined and masked (2021-05-15 17:26:35)
- Ex 203/ Pouring rain in Paris... (2021-05-29 22:51:46)
- Ex 204/here comes the sun at last! (2021-06-14 22:36:19)
- Ex 205-/much too hot now (2021-06-29 23:02:38)
- Ex 206/getting ready for real Summer (2021-07-13 23:08:42)
- Ex 207/where has summer gone? (2021-08-01 10:39:58)
- Ex 208/transient sunshine and heat (2021-08-15 23:55:23)
- Ex 209/August 2021: climate disruption (2021-08-31 00:00:11)
- Ex 210/there we go again (2021-09-14 23:32:50)
- Ex 211/work with us, please (2021-09-29 23:23:25)
- Ex 212/some training for you! (2021-10-13 23:16:12)
- Ex 213/ a new translation (2021-10-29 23:24:19)
- Ex 214/pure translation (2021-11-14 23:08:33)
- Ex 215/I know you can do it (2021-11-29 23:16:08)
- Ex 216/let's go on translating (2021-12-13 23:43:01)
- Ex 217/ Britt's feeling of guilt (2021-12-30 23:56:16)
- Ex 218/Happy New Year! (2022-01-13 23:02:02)
- Ex 219/ let's go on (2022-01-29 23:52:51)
- Ex 220/translating tirelessly (2022-02-11 23:17:04)
- Ex 221/Will he do it, or not? (2022-02-26 23:37:07)
- Ex 222/More sentences to translate (2022-03-13 23:36:16)
- Ex 223/the end of the race (2022-03-29 23:41:59)
- Ex 224/sans surprises (2022-04-13 22:47:03)
- Ex 225/ another story (2022-04-28 23:42:58)
- Ex 226/did you say 'holiday'? (2022-05-14 16:58:12)
- Ex 227/Following Signora again (2022-05-29 23:40:18)
- Ex 228/there you go again (2022-06-13 23:09:03)
- Ex 229/ Good-bye Signora! (2022-06-28 23:25:19)
- Ex 230/ not an easy task (2022-07-13 22:27:44)
- Ex 231/ will this translation be easier... (2022-07-28 22:49:01)
- Ex 232/ another translation into English... (2022-08-12 00:01:17)
- Ex 233/ I'll go home... (2022-08-28 22:46:17)
- Ex 234/starting the new school year (2022-09-15 11:44:33)
- Ex 235/ Let's meet Joan (2022-09-28 23:26:15)
- Ex 236/another translation into English... (2022-10-13 22:40:56)
- Ex 237/ generous Joan (2022-11-05 17:51:31)
- Ex 238/ Into English now (2022-11-12 22:46:27)
- Ex 239/ meeting another woman: Clara (2022-11-28 22:25:56)
- Ex 240/ being zen or not? (2022-12-11 23:37:11)
- Ex 241/ Laura's uncle Carlos (2022-12-27 23:09:22)
- Ex 242/Difficult relationships (2023-01-11 23:22:16)
- Ex 243/ meeting, or not? (2023-01-28 22:52:07)
- Ex 244/more difficult relationships (2023-02-11 22:01:51)
- Ex 245/what's friendship? (2023-02-26 20:08:49)
- Ex 246/ la vie est difficile (2023-03-13 23:09:55)
- Ex 247/celebrating Lexington (2023-03-28 23:05:15)
- Ex 248/ trying to help (2023-04-14 22:40:09)
- Ex 249/back home after a good evening (2023-04-29 23:46:10)
- Ex 250/ traduisons encore (2023-05-13 23:27:02)
- Ex 251/ poor Lexington (2023-05-29 23:08:16)
- Ex 252/ le temps passe (2023-06-14 22:54:22)
- Ex 253/ terrible times (2023-06-29 23:39:55)
- Ex 254/traduisons toujours ! (2023-07-13 22:56:10)
- Ex 255/traduction: à l'abri (2023-07-26 22:20:11)
- Ex 256/Try your luck (2023-08-10 22:41:21)
- Ex 257/meeting Cathy (2023-08-30 23:35:55)
- Ex 258/expressions (2023-09-14 22:21:05)
- Ex 259/will Cathy go to school? (2023-09-28 22:36:51)
- Ex 260/ chacun, tout le monde et vous (2023-10-14 23:27:18)
- Ex 261/Cathy and her parents (2023-10-31 23:21:05)
- Ex 262/Easy to say (2023-11-14 22:29:06)
- Ex 263 /so quaint and peaceful (2023-11-30 14:43:34)
- Ex 264/ pas si facile ! (2023-12-17 16:05:50)
- Ex 265/ needing string (2023-12-30 22:48:27)
- Ex 266/ human relationships (2024-01-14 23:18:03)
- Ex 267/worrying about Vanessa (2024-01-30 23:48:25)
- Ex 268/Strategies (2024-02-14 22:37:34)
- Ex 271/ bullying (2024-03-28 23:27:53)
- Ex 272/blunt truths (2024-04-14 23:19:15)
- Ex 273/meeting Frank (2024-04-28 23:47:04)
- Ex 274/conflicts (2024-05-15 10:13:19)
- Ex 275/a mixed couple? (2024-05-29 22:28:22)
- Ex 276/difficult relationships again (2024-06-13 23:01:51)
- Ex 277/going to Two Dance (2024-06-30 23:37:47)
- Ex 278/ hard times (2024-07-16 23:08:18)
- Ex 279 / Following the Isabels... (2024-07-29 23:13:13)
- Ex 280/ mixed feelings (2024-08-14 21:06:48)
- Ex 281/Frank's decision (2024-08-29 23:50:07)
- Ex 282/ let's go back to work (2024-09-14 19:46:07)
- Ex 283/ Let's get to know Frank (2024-09-27 23:09:11)
- Ex 284/ solving problems? or not (2024-10-13 23:28:25)
- Ex 285/ working for the American Dream (2024-10-29 23:10:03)
- Ex 286- is time of the essence? (2024-11-16 22:50:53)
- Ex 287/ more about Frank (2024-11-30 22:20:01)
- Ex 288/ business or leisure? (2024-12-08 12:58:53)
- Ex 60/Standing up and walking (2015-12-09 00:03:12)
- Ex 61/ More haste, less speed (2015-12-18 23:39:25)
- Ex 62/Gaining momentum (2015-12-30 13:03:29)
- Ex 63/on the threshold of 2016 (2016-01-10 23:51:08)
- Ex 64/ Back to cruising speed (2016-01-21 12:19:30)
- Ex 65/Going on (2016-01-30 23:54:53)
- Ex 66/Let's work again (2016-02-10 11:56:19)
- Ex 67/ persevering (2016-02-19 20:10:30)
- Ex 69/Still on holiday (2016-03-10 14:55:59)
- Ex 70/ Let's train, and train again! (2016-03-19 23:46:10)
- Ex 71/ The reserve one (2016-03-30 23:40:29)
- Ex 72/Still going... (2016-04-09 18:06:55)
- Ex 73/Going, going...gone! (2016-04-20 00:04:11)
- Ex 74/It's never too late (2016-05-02 19:20:13)
- Ex 77/somewhat out of breath (2016-05-30 22:36:17)
- Ex 78/ bracing up... (2016-06-11 14:00:22)
- Ex 79/Still holding (2016-06-20 22:57:41)
- Ex 81/Ready, steady (2016-07-10 23:12:33)
- Ex 82/Message in a bottle (2016-07-22 06:19:45)
- Ex 83/message reçu (2016-07-30 23:24:41)
- Ex 85/on se bouscule ... (2016-08-22 21:24:01)
- Ex 86/encore participatif (2016-09-05 16:57:05)
- Ex 87/on continue (2016-09-13 08:45:48)
- Ex 88/ slowly, yet smoothly (2016-09-18 23:40:36)
- Ex 89/Let's never give up (2016-09-29 23:16:53)
- Ex 90/get better and better (2016-10-09 23:06:45)
- Ex 91/not that easy,take care (2016-10-19 23:23:48)
- Ex 93/ no pain, no gain (2016-11-09 23:34:53)
- Ex 94/ No matter what (2016-11-20 23:03:32)
- Ex 95/ Work and pleasure (2016-11-30 18:29:22)
- Ex 98/ the game goes on (2017-01-01 02:28:29)
- Ex : le passé composé italien (2007-05-25 21:38:49)
- EX : Past tenses (2004-10-29 13:04:33)
- ex business verbs (2004-10-22 15:03:17)
- ex for beginners-2- (2004-11-10 01:36:05)
- Ex nouns-verbs (2004-11-09 15:04:55)
- Ex passive form 1 (2004-10-06 18:00:52)
- ex tenses (2004-12-01 00:51:20)
- Ex. 170/ vos traductions favorites (2019-12-30 23:47:40)
- Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry (2015-07-22 20:14:14)
- Ex. 68/Did you say Holiday (2016-02-28 23:46:27)
- Ex. 75/ Persevering (2016-05-10 00:16:02)
- Ex. 80/ Longing for a holiday (2016-06-29 23:46:48)
- Ex. 97/ You're great (2016-12-18 23:43:35)
- ex. Auxiliary verb 2 (2004-10-02 00:44:42)
- ex. de français ! (2004-08-13 21:36:28)
- ex. Have or Have got ? (2004-10-02 00:13:12)
- Ex. passive form 2 (2004-10-06 22:28:14)
- ex. words (2004-10-02 21:20:43)
- Ex.117/work and fun (2017-10-15 23:04:22)
- Ex.14 /Varions les plaisirs (2014-09-17 12:59:23)
- Ex.31/Vous avez dit vacances (2015-02-25 23:26:35)
- Ex.76/ just wait patiently (2016-05-20 11:09:46)
- Ex.84/Still sharing pleasure (2016-08-12 19:00:13)
- Ex.92/more brain-teasing (2016-10-30 23:46:00)
- Ex.Déb./bon ordre (2004-11-18 09:01:02)
<< | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | >> |