SOME, ANY, NO et ses composés


Comment traduire DU (pain), DE LA (viande), DES (frites)?

Grâce à SOME, ANY ou NO ! Mais attention à leurs emplois !

SOME: dans les phrases affirmatives
Example: I have some friends.

ANY: dans les phrases negatives ou les questions
Example: Do you have any cheese? - He doesn't have any friends in Chicago.

EXCEPTION! "some" est utilisée dans les questions quand on propose ou quand on demande quelque chose dont on est sûr que la réponse sera positive.
Examples: Would you like some bread? (offer) - Could I have some water? (request)

SOMEBODY, SOMEWHERE, SOMETHING: dans les phrases affirmatives (règle qui s'applique à SOME). Quelqu'un, quelque part, quelque chose.
Example: He lives somewhere near here.

ANYBODY, ANYWHERE, ANYTHING: Même sens, mais en suivant la règle qui s'applique à ANY
Examples: Do you know anything about that boy? - She doesn't have anywhere to go.

Example: This show is very boring! There's nothing interesting!




1) A / AN, SOME or ANY?

1. I've got ………………. cookbook. / 2. There is ……………….water in the fridge. / 3. There isn't ……………….whisky left in the bottle. / 4. There was……………….bottle of whisky on the shelf. / 5. She wants to eat ……………….apple. / 6. Have we got ……………….chips?


1. He's hungry, but there's …………………… to eat in the fridge!
2. I don't want to eat……………………
3. I can see …………………… under the table. What is it?
4. "Pardon? What did you say?" - "……………………"
5. Is there …………………… interesting to watch on TV tonight?



Exercise 1) 1: a | 2: some | 3: any | 4: a | 5: an | 6. any
Exercise 2) 1: nothing | 2: anything | 3: something | 4: Nothing! | 5: anything