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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°118099 : To -Two -Too

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To -Two -Too

Today we shall learn about the common English mistakes due to the English homophones : To, Two and Too.


So let's begin with To:

To is a preposition used to show a direction or a movement.


He is going to the buffet.

He is walking to the park across the street.

To is also used to identify someone or something.


This item belongs to her.

You are very nice to him.


Now let's continue with Too:

Too is used when you want to express a certain amount that is higher or lower than prefered.

You are eating too fast.

You are driving a bit too slow.

We use too when we want to add something, in other words, when there is an addition.

I am coming too.

We are going too.


Lastly, we have Two:

Two is a number that is expressed whenever there is a group of people equivalent to the sum of two.

We are two people.

There are two seats left.


Choose among To , Two or Too to complete the sentences.

Good Luck!



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1. I need to get a new uniform for my private school. I am going to buy one on Friday.

2. To complete this task, you will be put into teams of . Failing this obstacle course will result in your academic failure.

3. You really need be able to control your temper when faced with upsetting news.

4. Do I need spell it out. You just lost one of the most easy games in the history of easy games.

5. Wait, you got kicked out of school for fighting in class? I guess we have a lot in common.

6. Go fetch me hamburgers and a soda for lunch. Don't forget the extra pickles.

7. Your lunch looks delicious. Can you share it with me? I need eat, before I die of hunger.

8. Were you aware that you were driving at 140 miles per hour? This time you went far. I am never going anywhere with you anymore.

9. How many friends do you need to invite to your birthday? I don't mind friends, but not more.

10. They are going the cinema on Monday. I wish I could come, but I have an exam the next day.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "To -Two -Too"
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