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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°118332 : Superlatifs - adjectifs

> Plus de cours & d'exercices d'anglais sur les mêmes thèmes : | Adjectifs | Comparatifs/Superlatifs [Autres thèmes]
> Tests similaires : - Test de niveau grammatical-anglais débutant - Adjectifs en anglais-cours pour débutants - Comparatif et superlatif - Comparatifs : cours de grammaire pour débutants - Superlatifs : cours de grammaire pour débutants - Comparatif de supériorité - Comparer-Thierry en Angleterre 4 - Adjectifs et prépositions
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Superlatifs - adjectifs

To the lesson about Comparative Adjectives here it is : test


Today we shall learn about Superlative Adjectives.

A superlative is mostly used to compare someone or something to everyone or everything.

In other words, a superlative is used to compare an object or objects with all the other objects. (This applies to people too.)


-My bird is the smallest one I have ever seen. (small)

-My bird is the most interesting one around. (interesting)

There are two rules you must follow to be able to correctly spell superlative adjectives.



For one syllable words you must add:

The word "the" before the verb and add -est to the end of the adjective. (The + -est)

Now there are some exceptions to this particular rule: 

-Irregular adjectives


-My dog can do tricks, it's the best. (good)

-My idea was the worst. (bad)



For words with two or more syllables you must add:

The word "the most" or "the least" before the adjective and then add the adjective (the most or the least + adj).


-You are the most intelligent man I have ever known. (intelligent)

-He is the most interesting person I have ever known. (interesting)


In this exercise, you must correctly spell the superlative adjective in parentheses using the two rules explained above.

Attention : Watch out for irregular adjectives!

Good luck! 


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1. James just insulted me. I think he is the (cold) person I have ever known!

2. Some people just become friends with everyone to be the (many) popular person.

3. We are the (anxious) participants in this competition.

4. I don't think my new teacher is even trying to teach us, this is the (easy) exam in my life.

5. I had to lift a box full of books and send it to the library. It was by far the (heavy) thing I had to lift.

6. I really don't want to present my oral. I am the (nervous) student in my class.

7. The cheetah is the (quick) land animal in the world. It outruns every human being alive.

8. Your are the (bad) friend I have ever had, all you do is think about yourself.

9. This is some of our (fine) desserts, if you don't like, take it up with the chef.

10. Some of his techniques might be a little brute, but trust me he is the (brave) teacher you will ever face.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Superlatifs - adjectifs"
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