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Verbes à particules
A phrasal verb is a grammatical structure formed by:
a verb + particle, or
a verb + particle 1 + particle 2.
E.g. to look up (to search in a dictionary)
to come up with (to suggest an idea)
Most of the time, the meaning of the verb changes completely when it is used as a phrasal verb.
E.g. to run = the action of running (courir)
to run out of = to use up something (ne plus avoir quelque chose)
A phrasal verb can have either inseparable or separable particles.
Inseparable phrasal verb means that the verb cannot be separated from its particle.
E.g. to set off: What time do we set off tomorrow? (to start on our trip)
A separable phrasal verb means that the verb can be separated from its particle by an object.
E.g. to pick up: I will pick you up at ten o'clock (to collect you in a vehicle)
Exercise: choose the appropriate particle to have the right meaning in brackets.

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