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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°118884 : Verbes à particules

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> Tests similaires : - Verbes prépositionnels et verbes à particules - To get - Verbes + up / down - Verbes à particules - Verbes et particules - Verbes à particule : Look - Prépositions et verbes à particules - Prépositions, postpositions : Alice in Wonderland
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Verbes à particules

phrasal verb is a grammatical structure formed by:

a verb + particle,  or

a verb + particle 1 + particle 2.

E.g. to look up (to search in a dictionary) 

to come up with (to suggest an idea)


Most of the time, the meaning of the verb changes completely when it is used as a phrasal verb.

E.g. to run = the action of running (courir) 

to run out of = to use up something (ne plus avoir quelque chose)


A phrasal verb can have either inseparable or separable particles.

Inseparable phrasal verb means that the verb cannot be separated from its particle.

E.g. to set off: What time do we set off tomorrow? (to start on our trip) 

A separable phrasal verb means that the verb can be  separated from its particle by an object.

E.g. to pick up: I will pick you up at ten o'clock (to collect you in a vehicle)


Exercise: choose the appropriate particle to have the right meaning in brackets.


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1. My car doesn't want to start. I think it ran petrol. (to use up)

2. Smoking is really harmful to one's health. You must give it soon. (to stop)

3. The History professor was lecturing very fast. I couldn't copy most of the ideas. (to write)

4. I forgot my keys at home, so I was forced to bash the windows to enter. (to damage)

5. My grandson was walking so fast that I couldn't keep him. (to be equal)

6. Put your coat! It's freezing outside. (to wear)

7. Why don't we talk our dad going to Malaysia this summer? (to persuade)

8. Please, keep the carpet! Your shoes are dirty. (stay away)

9. The police pulled us for speeding. (to stop a vehicle)

10. A customer got on my nerves yesterday. I had to hold myself from yelling at his face (to hinder oneself)

11. I thought I will never meet my old friend again, until I stumbled him in the library. (to find by chance)

12. I like reading English books, and I go literary works the most. (to enjoy)

13. A good governor must look before making any decision. (to project)

14. The whole staff are mourning because their CEO has passed .

15. I feel happy that my son gets his wife. I think they love each other so much. (to have a good relationship)

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Verbes à particules"
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