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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°126016 : Gérondif 1 (verbe + ing) - cours

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Gérondif 1 (verbe + ing) - cours


The gerund must be used:

1 – After prepositions: Example: She played  on the tennis court yesterday without stopping.

2 – After a word + preposition such as fond of, insist on, tired of, succeed in. Example: He always insists on doing his plans.

3 – After some specific verbs like avoid,enjoy, finish, stop, risk, excuse. Example: Many students enjoy playing basketball.

4 – After some adjectives like busy, worth. Example: She is busy cooking a delicious dinner.

5 – After some phrases like I can't help, would you mind, it's no good, look forward to, it's no use. Example: She can't help making a big cake for a birthday party.

Important notice:After some verbs such as hate,love, begin, dislike, like, prefer,we can use the gerund or the infinitive. Examples: Mr. Smith began working in the garden. Mr. Smith began to work in the garden.


Exercise: complete the sentences with the right words.


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1. John manages his plans by (work) longer than 48 hours in a week.

2. Frank didn't pass these exams, in spite of (study) hard.

3. Mary is crazy about (play) volleyball.

4. Ana is angry about (work) in that terrible weather.

5. Mason is good at (work) in the construction industries.

6. James is looking forward to (see) his girlfriend soon.

7. Jackson avoids (go) to the cinema every weekend.

8. Avery told Anne that it's no good (climb) in bad weather.

9. Scarlett prefers (talk) about her adventurous trip to Cape Town.

10. Daisy loves (call) her friends every day in spring.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Gérondif 1 (verbe + ing) - cours"
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