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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°42585 : Discours indirect

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> Tests similaires : - Discours Indirect - Discours direct et indirect - Style direct-Style indirect : Cours pour débutants - Discours direct et indirect - Inversion sujet verbe - Style direct & style indirect : suite (cours pour débutants) - Propositions interrogatives - Formes interrogatives directes et indirectes
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Discours indirect

When we report a statement,we have to respect some rules.

If the reporting verb (to tell or to say) is in the past,the verb of the reported statement is usually changed into a form of the past.


Ex:Lynda:'I'm not feeling well.'/ DIRECT STATEMENT.

Lynda said that she was not feeling well / reported statement. 


1_If in the direct statement the verb is in the simple present,in the reported statement the verb will be changed into the simple past.

Ex:Lynda: 'I wash my clothes every Friday.' /Lynda told me that she washed her clothes every Friday.      .


2_If in the direct statement the verb is in the present continuous,in the reported statement,the verb will be changed into the past continuous

Ex:Lynda:I am watching TV / Lynda said that she was watching TV.


3_if in the direct statement the verb is in the past,in the reported statement,the verb will be changed into the past perfect

Ex:Lynda:'I went to Paris last year.' / Lynda told me that she had gone to Paris the year before.


4_can will be changed into could

Ex:Lynda:'I can't come to the party.'/ Lynda told me that she couldn't come to the party.


5_may will be changed into might

Ex:Lynda: 'I may go out of town this weekend.' / Lynda said that she might go out of town this weekend.


6_will will be changed into would

Ex:Lynda:'I will take care of my sister's baby.'/Lynda told me that she would take care of her sister's baby.

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1. Sara: 'I'm cooking some pasta for dinner.'

2. Nour: 'there is a nice movie on TV.'

3. Leila: 'I bought a magnificent dress from the new shop.'

4. Karim: 'I worked very hard to earn my living.'

5. Laurent: 'I will plan a picnic for my friends this weekend.'

6. John: 'I'm reading a very interesting adventure story.'

7. Merry: 'I may leave the office at 4.00'

8. Lynda: 'I will stay at home all afternoon.'

9. Chantal: 'I may take the children to the park.'

10. The president: 'I will do my best to improve the economic situation.'

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Discours indirect"
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