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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°4502 : Connaissez-vous bien Halloween ?

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Connaissez-vous bien Halloween ?

History of Halloween

Halloween falls on October 31st each year in North America and other parts of the world.  What do you know about Halloween?  Do you celebrate it in your country?  Here is a little history about it.


to evolve (v)-  to change little by little

spirit (n)-  ghost, some people believe the spirit and body separate when a person dies

holy (adj)-  sacred, very good, related to religion.  Hallow comes from the word holy.

saint (n)-  an honored, holy person

evil (adj)-  very, very bad

lantern (n)-  lamp or enclosed light that can be carried around

turnip (n)-  a purple and white vegetable that grows in the ground






Like many other holidays, Halloween has evolved and changed throughout history.  Over 2000 years ago people called the Celts lived in what is now Ireland, the UK, and parts of Northern France.  November 1 was their New Year's Day.  They believed that the night before the New Year (October 31) was a time when the living and the dead came together.

More than a thousand years ago the Christian church named November 1 All Saints Day (also called All Hallows.)  This was a special holy day to honor the saints and other people who died for their religion.  The night before All Hallows was called Hallows Eve.  Later the name was changed to Halloween. 

Like the Celts, the Europeans of that time also believed that the spirits of the dead would visit the earth on Halloween.  They worried that evil spirits would cause problems or hurt them.  So on that night people would wear costumes that looked like ghosts or other evil creatures.  They thought if they dressed like that, the spirits would think they were also dead and not harm them.

The tradition of Halloween was carried to America by the immigrating Europeans.  Some of the traditions changed a little though.  For example, on Halloween in Europe some people would carry lanterns made from turnips.  In America, pumpkins were more common so people began putting candles inside them and using them as lanterns.  That is why you see Jack 'o lanterns today.

These days Halloween is not usually considered a religious holiday.  It is primarily a fun day for children.  Children dress up in costumes like people did a thousand years ago, but instead of worrying about evil spirits, they go from house to house.  They knock on doors and say 'trick or treat.'  The owner of each house gives candy or something special for each trick or treater.

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1. Which of these is not a Halloween colour?
Laquelle de ces couleurs n'est pas une couleur d'Halloween ? Le noir, le rose, l'orange ?

2. On Halloween night, American kids go...
La nuit d'Halloween, les enfants américains vont 'Treat or tricking', 'Cake or sweeting', 'trick or treating' ?

3. Which of these other activities do people do for Halloween?
Laquelle de ces activités les gens font-ils pour Halloween ? Ils décorent leur maison ? Ils mangent des dindes ? Ils offrent des cadeaux romantiques ?

4. Which fruit do people use to make jack o'lanterns?
Quel fruit les gens utilisent-ils pour fabriquer des 'jack-o-lanterns' ? Des tomates, des pommes, des citrouilles ?

5. Which animal is associated with Halloween?
Quel animal est associé à Halloween ? Le chat noir, la vache marron, le renne gris ?

6. 'Bobbing or dooking' for apples is a traditional Halloween game. Put these instructions in the logical order: A) Hold your hands behind your back. B) Put some apples in a big bowl of water. C) Eat your apple. D) Try to catch an apple with your teeth.
'Bobbing or docking for apples' est un jeu traditionnel d'Halloween. Mettez ces ordres dans l'ordre logique : a) Mettez les mains derrière le dos, b) Mettez des pommes dans un grand bol d'eau, c) Mangez votre pomme, d) Essayez d'attraper une pomme avec les dents.

7. In which of these countries is Halloween not commonly celebrated?
Dans lequel de ces pays, Halloween n'est-il pas habituellement célébré ? Les Etats-Unis, la Turquie, l'Irlande ?

8. I am black. I am creepy. People don't like me. I am small. What am I?
Je suis noire. Je suis effrayante. Les gens ne m'aiment pas. Je suis petite. Que suis-je? Une sorcière ? une araignée ? une citrouille avec une bougie ?

9. I am orange. I have 2 eyes and a mouth. There is a candle inside me. What am I?
Je suis orange. J'ai deux yeux et une bouche. Il y a une bougie à l'intérieur de moi. Que suis-je ?

10. I have a black cat. I fly on a broomstick. I like magic. Who am I?
J'ai un chat noir. Je vole sur un manche à balai. J'aime la magie. Qui suis-je ?

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Connaissez-vous bien Halloween ?"
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