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Grammaire/verbes, noms, adjectifs
Les mots utilisés pour écrire la langue sont regroupés en catégories
un nom est un mot qui représente une personne, un animal, une chose, un lieu, une qualité, une action...
John / teacher, cat, table, school, kindness, arrival
This is my family. We live in a house. We live in London. Betty is pretty.
un verbe est un mot qui décrit une action ou un état:
play, read, talk, sit, stop / prefer, hear, like, want
Peter is learning his lesson / I am a girl. She has a cat. This soup smells good.
un pronom est un mot qui remplace un nom: he, it, they, them, yours, who...
Sarah is my daughter, she is beautiful. I have a new car, it is in the street. Let them go!
un adjectif est un mot qui décrit un nom ou un pronom : good, red, interesting, big, English...
My dog is small. I have a blue car. My children are very important to me. They make me happy.
un adverbe est un mot qui modifie le sens d'un verbe, d'un adjectif ou d'un autre adverbe :
very, quickly, well, badly, here, tomorrow...
John ran fast. Did you sleep well?. Come here. / Pat is very pretty. The music is too loud. / He drives too fast.
une conjonction relie deux mots, deux groupes de mots, deux propositions:
and, but, yet, for, so, when, because, until, before, where, while...
I like tea and coffee. I don't like cold winters and very hot summers.
Let us wait until the rain stops. We didn't enjoy the trip because the weather was horrible.
une préposition est un mot placé devant un nom ou un pronom pour indiquer un lieu, un temps, une direction:
in, on, at, to, after, under, between, over, with, from...
I went to school on Monday. The dog is running after the cat. Look! this is a present for you.
les interjections sont des mots souvent isolés qui expriment émotion, surprise:
hello, hi, bye, cheers, ouch, alas, whoops, OK...
Oops ! I've spelt that wrong. Hello John! How are you? Whoops! I nearly dropped it. Bye for now Tom!
(les déterminants: a, an, the, this, my, some, every... sont souvent classés avec les adjectifs)
Exemples :
verb adj. noun verb verb pronoun verb adverb adj noun verb adj.
Listen! The dog is barking It barks loudly The baby is afraid
pronoun verb prep. noun prep. noun adj. noun
I went to school by car last week
noun verb adj. adj. noun pronoun verb prep. adj. noun
Tom takes a red apple which is in the basket
pronoun verb verb pronoun adverb conj pronoun verb noun
I will phone you again when I get home
Remarque :
un mot peut appartenir à plusieurs catégories
work ( verb) : Where do you work? work (noun) : My work is easy
well (adj.) : I don't feel very well. well (adverb): Did you sleep well?
well (interj.):Well, that's enough for today.

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