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Au commissariat de police - cours
hear | Have you heard that cry? | smell | This smoke smells terrible. |
feel | Do you still feel hungry? | sound | This opera sounds boring. |
listen to | She is listening to music. | see | When I saw the house, I loved it. |
look | Look! There is a nice bird flying. | taste | Could you taste this soup? |
seem | Doesn't that seem strange to you? | watch | We sat and watched the sunset. |
At the police station |
Michael is wearing a blue uniform and carrying many types of equipment: he is a policeman. | |
Sonia too is wearing a blue uniform and carrying many types of equipment: she is a policewoman. |
Blue uniform | Equipment | Policeman | Policewoman |
Uniforme bleu | Equipement | Policier | Policière |
Equipment | Equipement |
Handcuffs Menottes | A ballistic vest (A bulletproof vest) Un gilet pare-balles | A gas mask Un masque à gaz | Police hat (cap) Casquette de Police | A police baton Un bâton de police |
A handgun Un pistolet | A sniper rifle Un fusil de précision | A shotgun Un fusil à pompe | A machine gun Une mitrailleuse | A hand grenade Une grenade |
A police patrol car (vehicle) Une voiture de patrouille | A police helicopter Un hélicoptère | A police motorcycle Une moto de police | A police radio Une radio de police | A police whistle Un sifflet de police |
Hello! My name is James. I'm a police officer and my main job is to maintain order, to protect the public and property also to keep the peace and investigate crimes such as: murder, driving at high speed, drug trafficking or threats. I have the ability and the power of the law to arrest and imprison suspects or criminals. |
A police officer | Investigation | Murder | Drug trafficking | Threats | Suspects |
Un agent de police | Une enquête | Meurtre | le trafic de drogue | Les menaces | Suspects |
Hello! My name is Alfred, I'm a traffic policeman (Officer) | |||
Heavy traffic | A traffic Policeman (officer) | Traffic lights | |
Une grande circulation | Un agent de la circulation | Feux de circulation |
Good morning! I'm George and I'm filling out a traffic ticket( citation).Really! I wonder why people drive their cars at such high speed! |
Driving at high speed | High-speed car pursuit | A motor officer | |
Conduire à grande vitesse | Poursuite à grande vitesse | Un motard |
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