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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°70268 : Nouvelle Année

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Nouvelle Année

Plus connu des francophones sous le titre 'Ce n'est qu'un au revoir', Auld lang syne signifie en scots (dialecte Lallans) 'Depuis longtemps', 'Les jours passés d'il y a longtemps', 'Les jours d'antan', ou aussi 'l'Amitié de vieille date'. En français et en anglais, ce chant est souvent repris à la nouvelle année (ou à la fin de réunions amicales.)


        Auld Lang Syne 

 Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
  And never brought to mind?
 Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
  And days of auld lang syne?

    For auld lang syne, my dear,
      For auld lang syne,
   We'll take a cup of kindness yet,
      For days of auld lang syne! 

 And there's a hand, my trusty friend,
      And gie's a hand o'thine,
 And we'll take a right guid willy waught,
       For auld lang syne.

      1759 - 1796

Auld Lang Syne
is an old song of the 15th century. Robert Burns (Scotland's favorite poet) restored this old ballad.
 It is widely sung in the English-speaking world, at the stroke of midnight, to celebrate the coming of the New Year.
Here is an English translation of that poem:

 Should old acquaintances be forgotten
 And never be remembered?
 Should old acquaintances be forgotten
 and days long ago.

 For days long ago, my dear,
 For days long ago
 We'll drink a cup of kindness yet
 For days long ago!

 And here's my hand, my trusty friend,
 And give me your hand too,
 And we will take an excellent good-will drink
 For the days of long ago.

                New Year Traditions

           U S A



On New Year's eve people gather in Times Square. At 11.59 pm a crystal ball begins its descent from
      the top of a pole. Millions of voices count down the last seconds of the year in a tradition that started in 1907 .

   On New Year's day, in Pasadena (California), flower-covered carriages travel down Colorado Avenue along
      with bands and equestrian groups. It's called the 'Rose Parade'

    The Chinese Calendar has been used for centuries, long before the International Calendar (based on the Gregorian
 Calendar). The Chinese Calendar is based on the cycles of the moon. The Chinese year is the 2nd new moon after
 the beginning of winter. It is  tradition that each family cleans its house to sweep away ill fortune. On the eve of 
 Chinese New Year people have a great supper and they end the night with firecrackers to frighten evil spirits.

    As soon as the bells ring at midnight the Australians make noises with trumpets,
 horns, drums.
    Sydney is one of the first important cities to enter the New Year (due to time zones).
 More than 80,000 fireworks are set off from Harbour Bridge. Sydney has been said
 to have one of the most spectacular fireworks in the world.

 - The Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah) is usually held in September. People eat apples and honey to symbolize a sweet new year. 
 - In Greece, St. Basil fills the children's shoes with presents at midnight.
 - In Ecuador each family makes a  dummy stuffed with old papers and firecrackers. The head of the dummy looks like a politician or
     somebody who has been in the news (generally for scandal). At midnight they light it on fire. It is the burning of the old year.
 - In Japan bells are rung 108 times to chase away 108 troubles.
 - It is traditional in Spain to eat 12 grapes, one on each stroke of the clock to bring good luck for the New Year.


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  What determines the date of the Chinese New Year? after
the winter solstice.
  Why do the Chinese celebrate the New Year with firecrackers?

      Under which of these calendars is New Year's day on January 1st?
  In the ancient Roman calendar when did the New Year begin?

    In New York the coming of the New Year is celebrated by the lowering of a gigantic ball.
  Where does this event take place?
  The first drop of the ball was in

    Where is one of the largest New Year's eve celebrations?
 One of the most popular New Year's Day parade, the Tournament of  Roses, takes place in

 What is traditionally done in Spain, at midnight,at each chime of the clock, to mark the New Year?
 Who fills the Greek children's shoes with presents?
 What do the Ecuadorians do to forget the old year? 
 In Japan the bells will ring times to welcome the New Year and curb the troubles of mankind.

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