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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°79481 : Joyeux Noël ! - cours

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Joyeux Noël ! - cours

 John Lennon / Yoko Ono  -  Happy Christmas  (War Is Over)

 So this is Xmas
 And what have you done?
 Another year over
 And a new one just begun.
 And so this is Xmas
 I hope you have fun
 The near and the dear one
 The old and the young.

 A very Merry Xmas
 And a happy New Year,
 Let's hope it's a good one
 Without any fear. 

 And so this is Xmas
 For weak and for strong
 For rich and the poor ones
 The world is so wrong.
 And so happy Xmas
 For black and for white
 For yellow and red ones
 Let's stop all the fight.

 A very Merry Xmas
 And a happy New Year,
 Let's hope it's a good one
 Without any fear.

 War is over, if you want it
 War is over now...   (ter)



 Christmas in Vienna, December 1999

   Around the world


 Santa Claus (US)
 Father Christmas (GB) 
(père Noël)
 Sleigh  (traîneau)
Sack (hotte)
 Reindeer (renne)
 Santa's suit is red (costume)
 Santa's boots are black (bottes)
 Bell (cloche, clochette, grelot)
Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer
 (le renne au nez rouge)
Rudolph is the leader of the team
 (le chef de l'attelage)
Elf (pl.elves) (elfe)
The elves help Santa claus, they are toys makers
. (fabricants de jouets)
The flying reindeer pull the sleigh.
(volants, tirent)
A sleigh drawn by flying reindeer (tiré)


 Merry / happy (joyeux)
 Carols (chants de Noël)
 Peace (paix) 
 Fir tree (sapin)
 Christmas tree
 Tinsel (guirlandes)
 Ribbon (ruban)
 Glitter (briller)
 Jingle (tinter, tintement)


 Gift (cadeau)
 Hang (suspendre)
 Eve (veille)
 Christmas eve (la veille de Noël)
 Winter (hiver)
 Evergreen (arbre à feuilles persistantes)
 Holly (houx)
 Mistletoe (gui)



    Christmas ornaments


 Parcel (paquet) Candle (bougie) Stockings (bas) Angel (ange) Candy cane
(sucre d'orge)
 Lights (lumières) Balls (boules) Star (étoile)
 spinning top
(planche à roulettes)
 (diable à ressort)
 rocking horse
(cheval à bascule)
 teddy bear
 (ours en peluche)


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    Not long ago I received this letter from Alexia, my granddaughter.


Dear Grandma,
  Some of my friends say there is no Santa Claus. Dad doesn't listen to me and Mum says: I don't know.
  Please Grandma, tell me the truth. Is there a Santa Claus? Shall I write a letter this year? 


my answer:

 Yes, Alexia there is a  , your friends are wrong and you will write your letter.

 Start the letter with a greeting: 'Dear Santa'.
 It's polite to ask him how he's doing, if he has his  ready, if the have finished all the .
 Then tell him you have been very good all year and ask him to bring you the presents you wish:
 a and a I suppose.
 Your brothers are too young to write so you should also ask a for Thomas and a for Bob.

 Don't forget to thank Santa for being so generous.

 Write a closing such as 'Love' and sign your name.

 On help your father to decorate the with ornaments:
  , , .
 Hang above the and set several on the mantel.
I think it would be a good idea to leave some lumps of sugar for and the .

Santa Claus will be happy to see such a nice place and will give you the presents.

And don't worry, Alexia. Santa Claus does exist.
It's like fairies
Images, you have never seen them but that's no proof that there are not fairies.
I'm sure Santa Claus will live for ever.
A thousand years from now he will continue to make glad the hearts of children.



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