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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°85028 : Birds and their nests

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Birds and their nests

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The Golden-Headed Cisticola, a kind of Australian warbler, collects fibres and spider's webs not just for lining but for . There is no more skilled in the whole of the bird world. [Long pause] There is little problem about this nest for the leaves she stitches together remain alive and green. When she's finished you would notice that they're bent together in a slightly unusual way. The problem is greater when a nest sits on the bare of a tree. The Sittella, an Australian equivalent of the Nuthatch, constructs its nest from spider's webs and insect and then covers the outside with rather coarser material. Two pairs are building here close to one . This one is in a tree covered in lichen and this in one that has bark. The Sittellas are not rigidly-minded birds with habits: they use lichen to cover the nest in the lichen tree and bark on the one in the flaky bark tree. As a result, each is as well as anyone could hope. And though both nests are for all to see, they're not easily recognised for what they are. The Apostle bird uses mud with grass. Nest building is a group . A pair with their grown-up from previous seasons work together. It used to be believed that there was always a in the team which is why they're called Apostle birds. Everyone seems anxious to contribute and the team works so and so harmoniously that their elegant cup is usually completed in a three days. A bird's beak, it seems, can just as well as a plasterer's trowel as a tailor's .

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