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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°89926 : Éléphants des Indes

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Éléphants des Indes

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Although hunting dealt a serious blow to the wildlife of the Ganges, the under British rule took a far heavier toll. Elephants were put to work plundering the from which they'd been captured.  But while the wilderness was disappearing, India was hurtling towards the Timber was in huge demand especially for the expanding During the 1870s, one million sleepers were required every year for the new lines across northern India. By the time the British left halfway through the twentieth century, almost all the forests of the plains had disappeared and the elephants living within them were Today as machinery is increasingly used for heavy labour, even working elephants are being . But there's still one place along the Ganges where these of burden are traded in large numbers. The Sonepur Mela is the largest in Asia.  It started over a thousand years ago and it has been growing ever since.  On the first in November, people arrive from all over northern India to haggle over livestock. The of domestic animals affirms their status as the dominant creatures of the plains.  Sonepur's lively horse market provides endless entertainment for the festival crowds but it is the elephants that are by far the Each morning the mahouts lead their elephants down to the river to be washed alongside thousands of worshippers creating one of the most of India.  The intimate relationship between elephant and man has endured for millennia and these animals are still . In good condition, elephants are sold for as much as ten thousand pounds so it pays to them well. Life for captive elephants can be than it is for the remaining wild herds of the plains.

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