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Exercice "Adjectifs : Ochi et Pawel 1/2", créé par chocolatcitron (exercice gratuit pour apprendre l'anglais) :
Résultats des 389 personnes qui ont passé ce test :
Moyenne : 54% (10.8 / 20) Partager
Dernier membre à avoir fait un sans faute : coyote09 / FRANCE, le jeudi 11 novembre à 10:20:
44.5% ont eu moins de la moyenne.
55.5% ont eu au moins la moyenne.
Tous les membres qui ont obtenu un 20/20 à ce test
Statistiques questions sur 389 candidats
Question 1 réussie à 60.2 %
On the * day after obtaining her diploma, Ochi knew what was going to happen:
Question 2 réussie à 47 %
she had put the final touches to her script for already eight years... At work, the atmosphere was *.
Question 3 réussie à 76.3 %
In an hour, she will say goodbye to her childhood home. Time has come to cut the apron strings. The grass is * on the other side of the fence.
Question 4 réussie à 63.2 %
Something even stronger was calling her to leave the cozy nest, an irresistible desire for independence and to live life to the fullest, her thirst of learning and share a * experience,
Question 5 réussie à 32.9 %
and probably also to settle in a country where people smile, even completely * !
Question 6 réussie à 45 %
She was tired of having to endure the closed and *, arrogant faces,
Question 7 réussie à 38.8 %
this hypocrisy and this * selfishness displayed throughout those days mixed with constestations of all kinds.
Question 8 réussie à 60.7 %
She had dotted her i's and crossed her t's in the * detail...
Question 9 réussie à 36.5 %
except that an epidemic of * magnitude was starting and making headlines.
Question 10 réussie à 58.4 %
Ochi was on her way to join her * correspondent and her best friend Pawel in Poland.
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