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Exercice "De l'anglais américain à l'anglais britannique", créé par chocolatcitron (exercice gratuit pour apprendre l'anglais) :
Résultats des 225 personnes qui ont passé ce test :
Moyenne : 86% (17.2 / 20) Partager
Dernier membre à avoir fait un sans faute : gogopet / SUISSE, le lundi 21 octobre à 19:22:
"Thank you very much ??"
11.1% ont eu moins de la moyenne.
88.9% ont eu au moins la moyenne.
Tous les membres qui ont obtenu un 20/20 à ce test
Statistiques questions sur 225 candidats
Question 1 réussie à 90.2 %
"I (dunno)* the answer, Sir." He said shyly.
Question 2 réussie à 89.8 %
"What (kinda)* chocolates do you fancy? Black, milky, or white chocolate ? " - " My favorite is the strongest black !"
Question 3 réussie à 87.1 %
We (wanna)* be together all our lives long.
Question 4 réussie à 88.4 %
Please, (gimme)* one more week to finish my job !
Question 5 réussie à 77.8 %
When I was younger, I very often wonder where my keys have (gotta)* : and that kept on my nerves not to find them quickly! Since then, I give a place for everything and everything in its place!
Question 6 réussie à 87.1 %
Please, (lemme)* alone, I 've got a headache tonight.
Question 7 réussie à 82.2 %
What are you (gonna)* think about it?
Question 8 réussie à 83.6 %
Nevertheless, (ya)* too kind for her, she isn't a good friend for you.
Question 9 réussie à 85.8 %
Do you (wanna)* repeat it once again, guys?
Question 10 réussie à 81.3 %
Your mother wonders whatcha* still sneaking in...
Question 11 réussie à 83.1 %
That's (cuz)* of high prices, and their rights that they still strike, as everytime.
Question 12 réussie à 96.4 %
No, I (ain't)* the most to complain on this Earth. There is always a worse situation, so please you, guys, stop complaining!
Question 13 réussie à 84.9 %
He came (outta)* the burning house, fortunately safe and sound.
Question 14 réussie à 86.7 %
I don't (wanna)* tell this, everything I know about her is a secret between her and me.
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