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Exercice "Animaux sauvages", créé par fouine18 (exercice gratuit pour apprendre l'anglais) :
Résultats des 4 354 personnes qui ont passé ce test :
Moyenne : 52% (10.4 / 20) Partager
Dernier membre à avoir fait un sans faute : marjolaine91 / FRANCE, le vendredi 10 janvier à 08:07:
"Thank you very much "
48.3% ont eu moins de la moyenne.
51.7% ont eu au moins la moyenne.
Tous les membres qui ont obtenu un 20/20 à ce test
Statistiques questions sur 3425 candidats
Question 1 réussie à 52.9 %
It's a small fierce wild animal which has a very unpleasant smell. *
Question 2 réussie à 43.2 %
This wild animal is kept by people for hunting rabbits and rats. *
Question 3 réussie à 54.9 %
It's the son of the deer and the doe. *
Question 4 réussie à 54.7 %
It's a small furry animal with a long bushy tail which eats nuts. *
Question 5 réussie à 36.7 %
It has short legs and thick, wrinkled skin without fur. *
Question 6 réussie à 56.5 %
It looks rather like a horse with black and white stripes on its body. *
Question 7 réussie à 46.6 %
It's rather like a cat, with a short tail and very good eyesight. *
Question 8 réussie à 49.8 %
It has a long, flexible nose called a trunk. *
Question 9 réussie à 50.1 %
This large animal which is orange with black stripes belongs to the cat family. *
Question 10 réussie à 39.3 %
It's a large, four-legged wild animal which usually has large, branching horns. *
Question 11 réussie à 34.4 %
It has dark-coloured fur, black stripes on its face and a long striped tail. *
Question 12 réussie à 54.6 %
It looks like a very large monkey. *
Question 13 réussie à 44 %
It looks like a small bear with grey fur and small tufted ears. *
Question 14 réussie à 85.2 %
It has a long neck and two humps on its back. *
Question 15 réussie à 45 %
It has many long, thin, sharp quills on its back which stick out as protection when it is attacked. *
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