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Exercice "Pluriel des noms terminés par ff, f ou fe", créé par lili73 (exercice gratuit pour apprendre l'anglais) :
Résultats des 40 392 personnes qui ont passé ce test :
Moyenne : 61.5% (12.3 / 20) Partager
Dernier membre à avoir fait un sans faute : biscotte92 / FRANCE, le mercredi 05 avril à 09:49:
"Good exercise! I loved! Thank you so much! :)"
31.5% ont eu moins de la moyenne.
68.5% ont eu au moins la moyenne.
Tous les membres qui ont obtenu un 20/20 à ce test
Statistiques questions sur 40387 candidats
Question 1 réussie à 74.5 %
1. During the night, two (thief) * broke into a sweet shop and stole a candy cane.
Question 2 réussie à 76 %
2. Planting on (roof) * and walls began in Europe. It is now becoming popular all over the world.
Question 3 réussie à 50 %
3. Snow White hides among the (dwarf) *. But the Queen finds her and gives her a poisoned apple.
Question 4 réussie à 68.4 %
4. Do (wolf) * really howl at the moon? Scientists say that it's just a myth.
Question 5 réussie à 48 %
5. Everybody has the right to have their own (belief) *. In Scotland some people believe in haunted castles.
Question 6 réussie à 64.8 %
6. Our brain is made up of two (half) *: a left brain and a right brain. The left side of our body is wired to the right side of our brain and vice versa.
Question 7 réussie à 61.2 %
7. Blue whale (calf) * can weigh as much as 8 tons, making them the largest newborns in the world.
Question 8 réussie à 67.2 %
8. Clownfish always live near anemones in coral (reef) *. They are immune from the stinging tentacles.
Question 9 réussie à 44.8 %
9. Like our fingernails, horse (hoof) * grow continuously. They need to be trimmed every six to eight weeks by a farrier.
Question 10 réussie à 43.8 %
10. For her birthday, Suzan would like one of those fashionable (scarf) *. She loves them a lot.
Retourner à l'exercice : Pluriel des noms terminés par ff, f ou fe
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