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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°21518 : Stop your child turning into a computer junkie

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Stop your child turning into a computer junkie

It's a warm summer's day in the school holidays but the children are not out playing, they are in a darkened room, glued to the TV set,
zapping aliens on their Nintendos or surfing the Internet.
As their friends ride their bikes, go swimming, play football and walk the dog, the only games your children play are those on the computer, and their only pet is the mouse.
For thousands of children the computer and the TV now dominate their lives, turning them into electronic junkies with virtual childhoods
where real relationships are replaced by artificial ones...
Many children, too, begin their viewing early and finish late. Programmes designed to entertain young viewers begin in the early morning, so parents may still be in bed when their children are already up and channel hopping. According to an American study for the US National Institute of Education, ten hours TV watching a week is a healthy level and any more than that results in under performance at school and an unhealthy lifestyle.
Now, with the number of junior junkies growing dramatically, comes the first book aimed at weaning kids off their electronic addiction through a rigorous four-week programme.
Joan Anderson, author of Getting Unplugged says that children who watch too much television from an early age have difficulty concentrating,do less well at school, are less actives and find it difficult to form relationships because they spend so much of their time in an imaginary world.


junkie = drogué
warm = chaud
darkened = assombrie
glued = collés à
computer = ordinateur
pet = animal de compagnie
childhood = enfance
to entertain = distraire
to hop = sauter > channel hopping = passer d'une chaîne à une autre rapidement
study = enquête
healthy = sain
to wean = sevrer
addiction = drogue
to spend time = passer du temps

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1. What is the text about?

2. According to the survey, how much time can you spend watching TV a week?

3. According to the article, children who watch TV too much are...

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Stop your child turning into a computer junkie"
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