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Trouver un correspondant > blackfire :
Il faut être connecté(e) au club pour pouvoir contacter cette personne.

Date d'inscription : jeudi 13 décembre 2018 à 23:36

Sexe : masculin (36 ans)

Pays : République du Congo Congo
(Voir sur une carte)

Texte de présentation :
Hey,nice to meet you here!I am Carlos ;
I am trying to make friends as well as improving my language skills here 
Even though the self-introduction is boring sometimes,but I think it is necessary,it can help us to set up an impression to others at the first time:
And I think this website is a magic platform which give us much more opportunities to meet with others in this big world

And we can find something interesting to talk. I even make a list to them,lol
Cause I find it interesting to exchange the different life style with others living in different countries!! 

I am really curious about the differences between us!! How about you?
And I want to make a long time relationship. I will cherish every single friendship! So let's talk!

Here is the LIST :
*Questions asking*
We can write down 20+ random questions to know others better. Hobbies,food,childhood,school life or extra.
Cause I think from these questions can know others basically.

*Exchange the thoughts*
Like debating topics! All of us can put forward the topics. Cause the content of debating is closely associated to our beings, countries,cultures,so we can exchange the cultures when debating!

*What happened in our daily life*
We can share with each other about the ordinary life,like something bad , sad , embarrassed , happy happened in everyday life.

Make a list about things you want to discuss about

We can talk various topics,it is not limited in things I wrote above.But we can try my list.
Because I really want to do these with people around the world! lol

Je parle ces langues :

J'apprends ces langues :

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