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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°100121 : Hôtel et expressions

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Hôtel et expressions

Book a room

- to reserve a room at a hotel

Check in

- to register at a hotel as a guest

Check out

- to return keys, to pay for the bill and depart from a hotel


- the action of reserve a room at a hotel ( that will be kept for you to use it later )

Wake-up call

- a telephone call that you can request in order to wake you up at a specific time

Room service

- a service provided to hotel guests  in their room ( by which you can order meals or drinks...etc )

Mini bar

- a small refrigerator in a hotel room, it contains snacks, beverages, alcoholic drinks..etc

Suite ( apartment )

- luxury, connected rooms to be used together

Single room

- a room with a single bed that is large enough for one person to sleep in

Double room

- a room with a large bed or two beds, for two persons

Bellboy, ( AmE ) bellhop, callboy, bellman )

- a person employed in a hotel to carry guest's bags, to open doors etc.

Vending machine

- a machine that distributes goods such as food, cigarettes, sweets or drinks when inserting money

Reception desk, Reception, Reception area, ( AmE) Front desk

- a desk where hotel guests are received

Fully booked

- full, no rooms available,

Charge per night

- the total cost of the room for the night

Vacancy ( plural vacancies )

- an empty, unoccupied room that can be rented

Youth hostel

- an inexpensive place where mainly young people  stay for short periods


- a hotel, usually with spaces for cars, which is placed by the side of a road

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1. - Welcome to the Blue Star Hotel. How may I help you? - I'd like to for two people, for two nights.

2. Do you have any rooms available for June 10th? I'd like to make a .

3. We stayed in the comfortable, spacious, newly renovated for our wedding night.

4. How much is the small bottle of liquor in the ?

5. A room in which only one person should sleep - .

6. When making a reservation at a hotel, Sue was asked if she'd prefer to stay in a single or .

7. I need a room. What is the ?

8. Carol paid the additional charges on a bill, and left the hotel.

9. When Sam arrived at the hotel, the receptionist greeted him and .

10. We are pleased to offer you full as a part of our package.

11. When young persons travel, they often find cheaper accommodation in .

12. After a very long drive, the driver checked into the cheap roadside .

13. The hotel bar has just been closed. Let's buy an orange juice box from a . Have you got any coins?

14. I'm afraid they're here because of the Trade Fair.We'll need to find another hotel.

15. A nice took my suitcase with a smile and brought it to my room.

16. We are fully booked and have no for the upcoming weekend.

17. I'd like a for seven o'clock tomorrow.

18. You'll have to check in at the .

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Hôtel et expressions"
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