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Cérémonie d'investiture du président américain
Cette fiche fait référence à la 2e cérémonie d'investiture de George Bush.
Les Américains s'apprêtent (à nouveau) à fêter l'investiture du président George Bush.
Les célébrations, qui se dérouleront pendant trois jours à Washington, doivent débuter jeudi.
A quoi sert cette cérémonie? Que se passe-t-il lors d'une cérémonie d'investiture? C'est ce que nous allons voir aujourd'hui.

In the morning, President Bush and his wife Laura will attend a church service across from the White House. Then, they will go to the Capitol building for the swearing-in ceremony. Every four years, workers build a special stand outside for that purpose.
The chief justice of the United States traditionally swears in the vice president and then the president. However, Vice President Dick Cheney is to take the oath of office from Dennis Hastert, the speaker of the House of Representatives. Chief Justice William Rehnquist has thyroid cancer. But he is still planning to swear in President Bush.
Newly inaugurated presidents give a speech, officially called an inaugural address.
After the ceremony, the president and vice president and guests go inside the Capitol to have lunch. Later, they watch a parade along Pennsylvania Avenue with floats and marching bands from around the country. Pennsylvania Avenue is a wide street with the Capitol at one end and the White House at the other.
Finally, in the evening, the leaders and groups of guests attend parties called inaugural balls. The first of these in Washington took place for President James Madison and his wife Dolly in eighteen oh nine.
Eight inaugural balls organized by states will take place around the city next Thursday night. In addition, there will be a free celebration called the Commander-in-Chief Ball. This party is for troops back recently from Iraq and Afghanistan, or soon to be sent.
Events related to the inauguration will take place for several days before and after the swearing-in. These activities cost a lot to organize. Some of the money is paid by taxpayers, and some by businesses, groups and individuals. By last Friday, the presidential inaugural committee had collected eighteen million dollars, around half the goal.
People who give a lot of money reportedly get better seats at the inauguration and parade. They may even get to attend a meal with the president and vice president.
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The twentieth amendment to the Constitution sets Inauguration Day on January twentieth. This has been the date since nineteen thirty-three. The presidential swearing-in ceremony formerly took place on March fourth. That was generally the last day of the congressional term.

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