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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°104830 : Emploi des temps dans un texte : Billy Weaver (1)

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Emploi des temps dans un texte : Billy Weaver (1)


Attention, un tel titre annonce forcément des 'pièges' ... Il ne s'agira pas uniquement de choisir 'le bon temps', mais aussi, la bonne voix ou forme (active ou passive), tout en faisant très attention au contexte, à la concordance des temps et surtout à la forme du discours employé (direct ou indirect), afin d'effectuer les ajustements indispensables !

Une fois de plus, l'histoire est suivie, le texte et les temps doivent être cohérents. Suivez bien toutes les pistes qui vous sont données, les jalons qui sont posés, les marqueurs de temps indiqués ou sous-entendus. Tous ces éléments doivent vous aider à trouver LA bonne forme verbale ! (Ce test correspond à un bon niveau de 1ère- Terminale.)





Par une soirée glaciale, Billy, jeune Londonien arrive à Bath où il va commencer son travail le lendemain. Son problème est de trouver un endroit bon marché, mais propre et agréable, pour y passer la nuit et s'y installer, s'il s'y plaît.

Tenez bien compte des impératifs cités ci-dessus et avec courage, suivez Billy dans son aventure .... étonnante ! Bonne chance !





Il serait prudent de faire ce long exercice en deux fois !

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Billy Weaver, 17, West from London but he in Bath before. He it was a beautiful town and he was quite happy to be there to start his new job on the following day. 'Where lodgings ?', he wondered. At the station, he the porter who had suggested a pub : 'The Bell and Dragon'. So, he for the nearest pub where he a room. The night air deadly cold and like a blade of ice.
He anyone in Bath as it was his first stay there. On his way to the 'Bell and Dragon', he a sign at a window : 'BED and BREAKFAST', it said. He through the window of a pleasantly furnished living room. On a thick carpet a cute little dog up in front of a bright and warm fire-place. At the back of the room, a caged parrot the wonderful picture : 'Here, I at home!', he thought and the bell before he it.
A smiling middle-aged woman at once, like a 'Jack-in-the-box' ! Surprised, Billy asked her how much she for a room in her B&B ! He when she announced how cheap it was ! Then he his future room : a wonderful and comfortable one.
He his case and came down for the papers, as he to. Putting his name in the 'guest book', he noticed only two other names before his : Christopher Mullholland, 17 and Gregory Temple, 28. Why on earth a bell in his mind ? The landlady was living on the first floor, Billy on the second one, and the other two guests were on the third one,' he was told. 'Of course, they , and they ! ready for a nice cup of tea and a biscuit '? Billy the tea which pleasantly tasted like bitter almonds... 'Yes ! this place! ', he thought...

(to be continued)


Let's leave Billy for the moment.  He's enjoying his first cup of tea and is likely to have another one ... Next time, soon, Billy will .... realise his mistake !

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Emploi des temps dans un texte : Billy Weaver (1)"
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