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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°106193 : Ballons ou balles

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Ballons ou balles

Choisir la bonne balle:

Football, baseball, basketball, billiard ball, golf ball, volley ball, rugby ball, bowling ball, lacrosse ball, cricket ball, water polo ball, tennis ball, table tennis ball.

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1. If you are tall and a high jumper, you can easily shoot a in the hoop.

2. This is a game you play mostly with your feet and head. In North America it is called soccer, but anywhere else it is known as .

3. An American football and a are both oval in shape. You have to be strong to play this game.

4. Snooker, pool and are used to play these type of billiard games.

5. The dimples on the give it more lift and help it to go greater distances.

6. A game is commonly played on the beach.

7. If you can roll the down the lane without it falling in the gutter, you might knock down all the pins at once.

8. The head of the stick is triangular in shape and there is a net at the end, in which the
is supposed to be caught and then thrown to the opposite goal to play the game.

9. A
is so hard that to protect from injury, batsman and close fielders are supposed to wear pads, gloves and helmet.

10. A
is made in such a way that it can float in the water very easily; also you can hold it and grip it very easily in the water.

11. A set of is always sold in a can to maintain their bounciness.

12. A is light in weight compared to a cricket ball.

13. The other name for a is a ping pong ball.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Ballons ou balles"
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