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Un livre / Un film : La Voleuse de livres - cours
Voici une présentation du best-seller de Markus Zusak , « La Voleuse de livres ». Ensuite vous regarderez et écouterez le trailer du film tiré de ce roman, et vous devrez en compléter le script.

Vocabulaire utile :
foster family : famille d'accueil / famille adoptive
the basement : le sous-sol
a sickle : une faucille
genially : cordialement
to stand over : se pencher – veiller sur - surveiller
the wrath : la colère
the swapping : l'échange
the spit : le crachat
to cling : se cramponner
NB : in English literature the Death is a male person so we design it with “he”
A novel by Markus Zusak : The book thief
It's the story of a girl in Germany, from 1939 to 1943 - We are even told a few final events of October 1945.
Separated from her mother, Liesel lives with her foster parents in Molching, a small town on the road to Dachau. Throughout the weeks and months, she learns reading and writing with her new father, steals several books because she loves words, and takes care of a Jewish man hidden in their basement.
What doesn't appear in the movie is that the written story is fully narrated by a character named 'Death'. Death is not a character equipped with a sickle to cut down our lives, as it is usually the case in most allegories, but depicts himself as the one who ‘takes away our souls' when we die.
He says :
“I most definitively can be cheerful, amiable, affable… Just don't ask me to be nice. Nice has nothing to do with me.”
And he adds :
“..at some point in time, I will be standing over you, as genially as possible. Your soul will be in my arms. I will carry you gently away.”
'Death' is humorous, observant, and ‘haunted by humans'.
That surprising 'Death' is not the only originality of Markus Zusak's writing.
Before the different parts of his book he offers an imaginative and poetic announcement of what lies in the coming chapters, a sort of summary , like :
the accordionist - a promise-keeper -
a good girl - a Jewish fist-fighter
- the Wrath of Rosa - a lecture - a sleeper -
the Swapping of Nightmares -
and some pages from the basement
Another singularity of Zusak's writing is how Death often interrupts his telling and gives us some direct remarks, like :
1. the last time she saw her brother
2. the last time she saw her mother
Or :
And who do you think was made to clean
the spit off the door each night ?
Yes – you got it.
Or :
Sometimes I arrive too early.
I rush, and some people cling longer to life than expected
Or even :
One was a book thief.
The other stole the sky.
*** *** *** *************** *** *** ***
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