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Cérémonies Funéraires aux Célèbes 2/2 - cours
Cérémonies funéraires aux Célèbes 2/2
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After the funeral festivities:
Songs, dances, significant number of sacrifices of buffalos, in order to pay a tribute to the deceased person, then the soul lingers seven days over (his/her) village until (her/his) the funeral ceremony is completed in a grave site. Then the soul begins its journey towards the after-life country.
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We went to Londa's site and Lemo's site. They consist both, of a deep rocky stone cliff, with a significant quantity of carved graves in the front face of this cliff.
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In Ke’te Kesu (another funeral site), among a heavenly landscape, we noticed private vaults.
Only the richest persons with high social positions can afford this sort of private tomb.
In the picture: a vault for two persons.
Two rich people lying in their coffins rest in a spacious private vault in the middle of a rice-field, located not very far from the cliff.
On their private balcony two wooden (en bois) carved effigies called Tau Tau, keep the burial chamber.
Each well-dressed effigie has a precise likeness with the dead person.
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Another private vault.
The rich people rest in their last dwelling place inside a huge carved menhir.
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In this picture, you can notice several vaults, carved here and there in the front rock facing the cliff. They are closed by wooden doors.
On balconies, not far from these carved chambers, you have to pay attention to the full-dressed life-size (grandeur nature) Tau Tau (name of an effigy).
These wooden effigies' faces are the spitting images of the dead people. They are seatmates and their role is to look after the dead people.
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Hanging coffins from boards.
In this fourth picture, on the front rock facing the cliff, coffins of all shapes and sizes are hanging on wooden boards.
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When the wooden boards begin to rot (pourrir), the coffin falls down and the bones are scattered on the ground.
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Coffins inside the cave.
you can notice a significant quantity of coffins. They are stored in this cave. Most of the time, stacked on top of one another.
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Gifts for the dead
It is surprising to see ripped coffins and the ground strewn with skulls (crânes) and bones. You can also be surprised at seeing a wide range of cigarette butts, plastic bottles which are scattered anywhere. In fact, don't be astonished, they are not rubbish, but gifts for the deceased people.
Baby's coffin: a tree
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Another very strange custom: the dead babies are left into a hollowed jack tree closed by palm leaves. This ceremony always takes place at night, because a dead baby means a reprehensible behaviour of the father, in the past.
Le test porte sur : La compréhension du texte et son vocabulaire.
Regardez bien cette effigie en bois sculpté, elle est remarquable !
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