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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°109446 : Herman, sa grange en Arkansas, et verbes

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Herman, sa grange en Arkansas, et verbes


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The nails : Les clous
The beams :  Les poutres
The boards : Les planches




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Exercice d'anglais "Herman, sa grange en Arkansas, et verbes" créé par taiji43 avec le générateur de tests - créez votre propre test ! [Plus de cours et d'exercices de taiji43]
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In 1998, in an Arkansas village, a farmer named Herman, the owner of a sloping field located nearby a river, that his huge barn was flooded each fall. To overcome this problem, he dismantling his sixty-year-old barn with the help of some friends and rebuilding it on the topmost part of the ground protected from the flooding. However another extravagant solution, much cheaper than dismantling and rebuilding his old barn, suddenly his mind. He thought he could lift his barn and carry it to higher grounds thanks to some friends' help. He realized that if he wanted a success, he would have to calculate the shortest distance between the current location of the barn and its future location. It of the utmost importance that the weight of the barn , that is to say, he had to know the total weight of the nails, the beams, the timbers and the boards. He to figure out the number of the participants able to lift and carry about 23 kilos each and walk five minutes on 45 meters before setting the barn down at a higher place. After a few days of calculation, the estimated total weight of the barn amounted to 7 tons. So, 344 volunteers were needed and each of them would have to lift over twenty kilos. The people taking part in the operation on handles installed around the barn. This wooden barn would be reinforced inside and outside to prevent it . Herman found his volunteers among his friends and people in the surrounding villages. For him the project would coincide with the centenary of the village. Before the date of the moving attraction, Herman three hundred and forty-four volunteers. At the count of three they the barn, walked at the same pace and set it down as if the barn weighed nothing. Thunderous applause broke out among the crowd.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Herman, sa grange en Arkansas, et verbes"
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