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> Tests similaires : - Discours Indirect - Discours direct et indirect - Style direct-Style indirect : Cours pour débutants - Discours direct et indirect - Inversion sujet verbe - Style direct & style indirect : suite (cours pour débutants) - Propositions interrogatives - Discours indirect | |
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Discours rapporté
Discours indirect
Lorsque nous parlons, écrivons à quelqu'un d'autre, nous faisons des discours. Ces discours peuvent être directs ou indirects.
Discours direct : dans ce discours, l'énoncé est entre guillemets suivis de ponctuation.
Exemple : Dad told mom, ‘' we will go to a party tomorrow ''
Discours indirect: les guillemets disparaissent ainsi que les signes de ponctuation.
Exemple :Dad told mom that they would go to a party the following day.
Déjà dans ce petit exemple, vous constatez d'énormes changements, que cela ne vous fasse pas peur. En effet, dans le discours indirect, on effectue des changements par rapport aux temps, pronoms et autres choses.
1- Changement au niveau des temps
Direct speech | Indirect speech |
Simple present | Past tense (simple past) |
Present continuous | Past continuous |
Simple past | Past perfect |
Present perfect continuous | Past perfect continuous |
Past perfect | Past perfect |
Past perfect continuous | Past perfect continuous |
Future | Conditional present |
Future continuous | Conditional continuous |
Future perfect | Conditional perfect |
Conditional present | Conditional perfect |
Conditional perfect | Conditional perfect |
Negative imperative | Negative infinitive |
Positive imperative | Positive infinitive |
Notons ceci :
Direct speech: Indirect speech:
Should → Should
Can → Could
May → Might
2- Changement au niveau des pronoms et des adjectifs possessifs
Direct speech | Indirect speech |
I | He, she |
Me | Him, her |
My | His, her |
Mine | His, hers |
You | He, she, I |
Your | His, her, my |
Yours | His, hers, mine |
He, she, it | He, she, it |
Him, her, it | Him, her, it |
His, her, its | His, her, its |
Us | Them, you |
Our | Your, their |
Ours | Yours, theirs |
You | We, they |
You | Us, them |
We | They |
Your | Our, their |
Yours | Ours, theirs |
They | They |
Them | Them |
Their | Their |
theirs | theirs |
3- Autres changements
Direct speech | Indirect speech |
This | That |
These | Those |
Here | There |
Today | That day |
Now | Then, at once |
Yesterday | The day before/the previous day |
Tomorrow | The following day/the next day/the day after |
Ago | Before |
Tonight | That night |
Last (night, week, month...) | The previous (night, week, month...); the night before, the week before, the month before... |
Next (week, month, year...) | The following (week, month, year...); the week after, the month after, the year after... |
“Coffi is learning his lesson now” Dad told Mom.
Dad told Mom that Coffi was learning his lesson then.
Reporting question
Cas des questions de la forme “Yes” ou “No” :
Dans ce cas, on introduit “If ”dans le discours rapporté.
Les verbes introducteurs sont : asked, want to know ...
Example: “Is Katarina your name?” the teacher asked her.
Reported speech: The teacher asked if Katarina was her name./The teacher asked if her name was Katarina.
Cas des questions de la forme “who”, “when”, “what”,“where”,...
Example: “When did your mother come from France?” Bake asked.
Reported speech: Bake asked when my mother had come from France.
Example: “What are you doing?” Dad asked.
Reported speech: Dad asked what I was doing.
Reporting order
Example:“Help your mother to the shop” Dad ordered me.
Reported speech: Dad ordered me to help my mother to the shop.
Example: “Do not go out at night” mother advised her.
Reported speech: Mother advised her not to go out at night.
AA- Lorsque le verbe introducteur est conjugué au “simple present, present perfect, ou au simple future”, le temps des verbes ne change pas dans le discours indirect.
Example: “I will succeed”, Komlan says.
Reported speech: Komlan says he will succeed.
BB- Les vérités universelles, scientifiques et les proverbes ne subissent pas de transformation dans le discours indirect.
Example: “The earth is round” the teacher told us.
Reported speech: The teacher told us (that) the earth is round.
Dans cet exercice, vous êtes appelé(e) à rapporter les discours, mais ne mettez pas “That”.
Merci de votre participation.

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