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> Plus de cours & d'exercices d'anglais sur les mêmes thèmes : | Exclamations [Autres thèmes] |
> Tests similaires : - Exclamation - Formules d'exclamation - Formules exclamatives - Phrases exclamatives ! - How + adjectifs - Exclamatives : What-Such-So-How - What et Such : encore ! - Phrases exclamatives | |
> Double-cliquez sur n'importe quel terme pour obtenir une traduction... |
Today, we will learn how to express exclamation through three key words:
So, What, and Such.
They are all used differently and have unique rules.
1) So
"So" is used with an adjective when used to express an exclamation.
For example:
- He is so tall !
- He is
so smart !
2) What
What is a little different from his two counterparts:
There is no verb in the sentence when used with exclamation, unlike so and such.
As examples:
What a nice dog !
It is
such a nice dog !
It is
so nice !
"What" is used in the beginning of the sentence to express the exclamation.
What a genius !
"What" can be used with an adjective and followed by a noun or just a noun, while the other two exclamations cannot.
For example:
- What a nice man !
- What a man !
- He is
so nice !
- He is so man
- He is such a nice man !
- He is such a man !
What a genius !
What an idiot !
What a smart girl !
What a dumb girl !
The rule is the following:
What followed by a or an and then the adjective and/or the noun and finally never forget the " ! "
(What + a/an + adjective + !) / (What + a/an + adjective + noun + !)
3) Such
"Such" is used with an adjective and a noun when used to express an exclamation.
She is
uch a lonely woman !
She is such a lovely woman !
He is such a good boy ! ---> He is such a bad boy !
She is
such a nice woman ! ---> She is such an evil woman !
The general rule is the following:
Subject or pronoun and then the verb and then "such" and the adjective and the noun and " ! " at the end =
(Pronoun/Subject + Verb + such + Adjective + noun +!)
In this exercise, you have to choose between the correct exclamation: So / What / Such in each sentence.
Good luck!

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