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Do you believe in astrology?
Even people who do not believe in astrology do not always resist the temptation to read their horoscope. It is possible to imagine that the signs of Zodiac influence the personality. Here are the different signs of Zodiac and their main characteristics.
- Aries : March 21st to April 20th. You are strong and confident.
- Taurus : April 21st to May 21st. You are quiet and determined.
- Gemini : May 22nd to June 21st. You are charming and attractive.
- Cancer : June 22nd to July 23rd. You are reserved and artistic.
- Leo : July 24th to August 23rd. You are proud and elegant.
- Virgo : August 24th to September 23rd. You are calm and thoughtful.
- Libra : September 24th to October 23rd. You are sensitive and gracious.
- Scorpio : October 24th to November 22nd. You are friendly and seductive.
- Sagittarius : November 23rd to December 21st. You are warm and classical.
- Capricorn : December 22nd to January 20th. You are traditional and conservative.
- Aquarius : January 21st to February 19th. You are very independent and unpredictable.
- Pisces : February 20th to March 20th. You are gentle and hearty.
When is your birthday? Which sign are you? Are you charming, intelligent or sensitive?
Look for it and especially have fun!

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