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Futur antérieur en V-Ing
1 – Futur antérieur en V-Ing ( ou « future perfect continuous ». ) : Conjugaison.
1.1 – A la forme affirmative :
→ They will have been talking for over an hour by the time Sarah arrives.
1.2 – A la forme négative :
→ They will not have been talking for over an hour by the time Sarah arrives.
→ They won't have been talking for over an hour by the time Sarah arrives.
1.3 – A la forme interrogative :
→ Will they have been talking for over an hour by the time Sarah arrives?
1.4 – A la forme interro-négative : Méfiance sur le « not !
→ Will they not have been talking for over an hour by the time Sarah arrives?
→ Won't they have been talking for over an hour by the time Sarah arrives?
Observez le changement de place de la négation lorsque la phrase n'utilise PAS de forme contractée.
2 – Exercice :
COMPLETER les phrases affirmatives et négatives proposées ci-dessous par le verbe conjugué au « future perfect continuous ».
Ne pas utiliser de forme contractée.

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