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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°119776 : Vocabulaire - Types de magasins

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Vocabulaire - Types de magasins

With the vocabulary you have learnt in class, you should choose the correct words for the sentences.

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1. In there are several types of the same shop that look the same and sell the same products.

2. You can often find these stores in airports because do not have taxes on their products.

3. are stores that sell clothes and shoes.

4. There are usually good deals and discounts, especially with clothes, in .

5. In this large building, you can find a huge variety of shops, because
have many kinds of stores all under one roof.

6. In you can find groceries and food products or things for the home.

7. The is the person in charge of a store or sales.

8. This person owns the store or shop, he or she is the .

9. The person who comes to buy a product frequently is called the .

10. The name for someone who tries to steal something from a shop is .

11. The person who handles money transactions when the client is ready to buy is often called the .

12. The name for a person who comes once to buy a product is a .

13. We use the name to call someone who works for a company.

14. The name for a woman worker who sells a product is .

15. A walk area that has products on both sides and is designed for the customer to walk down is called the .

16. Different parts of a store may be sectioned off into .

17. We use the to help us move up and down between floors.

18. The are where we put products on a wall to be displayed or stored.

19. To try on clothes in a clothing store we go to the .

20. The is where we store products.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Vocabulaire - Types de magasins"
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