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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°121165 : Caractéristiques de lieux

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Caractéristiques de lieux

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1. It is an easy day trip from our town. We often go there for a walk through alpine meadows, picnic in the fields and listen to rare birds.

2. The borough council is against the deconstruction of rigid and properties and so destroy the old, but rather to inspire new ideas for sustainable renovation concepts.

3. Rising property prices have not stopped urban professionals, often without children, from moving to areas close to their office to avoid the traffic jams they would endure if they commuted.

4. The town is full of shops, bistros and romantic hotels. There are also regular boat rides to nearby places.

5. This is by far the worst place I've been to. An extremely unclean shower, phone numbers graffitied on the drawers and grease-leaden plastic flowers, which adds to the atmosphere of the hostel.

6. The resort is in an eco-friendly zone from where you can easily explore the beauties of pine forests and banks of rivers and a fresh breeze.

7. Most of the areas are suburbs with low median incomes where a lot of people live in run down homes and where 1 in 10.7 people have a chance of being the victim of a property crime.

8. The buildings and machinery where workers manufacture goods are located in dingy surroundings, while the white-collar workers enjoy roomy air-conditioned offices in the part of town.

9. The communal areas of the holiday centre were all spotless and great to use and the staff were welcoming, very efficient and kept the resort in condition.

10. The lane winds through marshlands, here and there wildlife observation towers, and everywhere this landscape.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Caractéristiques de lieux"
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