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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°121692 : Electronique, gadgets et appareils

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Electronique, gadgets et appareils


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1. A can wirelessly send commands to other devices. You could place one on your pet food container and when you're running low, your shopping cart is instantly updated with a simple tap.

2. Whether you are at home or on holiday, a with its reservoir and little jets around the lip will give your plant up to one month of unattended automatic watering and notify you via an app.

3. You can just screw a new into an existing socket in your home and use the supporting app to connect it to your Wi-Fi network. Often a hub is needed to hook the light up to your Wi-Fi.

4. Keep track of your keys by attaching a , which needs a connection via mobile to help you find their location with an audible alarm when you're within the range of the small gadget.

5. With a you can see, hear, and speak to your visitor with your smartphone. When anyone presses the button, the chimes ring as they normally would, and you receive an alert on your phone.

6. You can control whatever appliance you connect through a remotely and track how much electricity it consumes. Most work with a Wi-Fi connection and usually come with a corresponding app.

7. We know that it's called a except that it doesn't float. The rider stands on a levitating battery-powered board located between two motorized wheels that contain a tilt and speed sensor.

8. You can save yourself a lot of headache by adding a and a receiver connected into your light fitting if you want to relocate a light switch without pulling wires to the switch.

9. You can ditch your ancient keys and grant access to Airbnb clients when you're not home with any smartphone using a mobile web app if you replace the deadbolt on your front door with a .

10. A or more than one in combination with your existing home WiFi network allows you to easily control your home lighting with your voice or smartphone app from anywhere in the world.

11. Every is equipped with a built-in antenna and some kind of wireless communication to report its location back. It's an ideal solution to prevent valuable items from getting lost or stolen.

12. About half the height of a bank card, a that connects to your smartphone is a perfect choice if you have atrial fibrillation and want to check and keep track of your heart symptoms.

13. A is easy to set up and is ideal for cleaning wood, tile, etc. when it comes to helping you give floors a truly deep clean. Program the time and date, and fill its reservoir with water.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Electronique, gadgets et appareils"
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