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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°124118 : Verbes à particules -Take - cours

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Verbes à particules -Take - cours


A phrasal verb is a verb with more than one word. It is made of a main verb plus a preposition or a particle.The meaning of a phrasal verb is different from the meaning of the main verb, and it depends on the second or/and third part of phrasal verb i.e. preposition or particle that comes after the main verb. There are more than 10,000 phrasal verbs in English .

Phrasal verbs are often used in speaking or in informal writing. There are four types of phrasal verbs.

1 – Transitive: This type of phrasal verb needs an object to complete the sentence. Example: Mary looks after the students.

2 – Intransitive: This type of phrasal verb doesn't need an object. Example: The soldier ran away from the field.

3 – Separable: This type of phrasal verb can be separated in the sentence. Example: She picked up her child from school yesterday. She picked her child up from school yesterday.

4 – Inseparable: This type of phrasal verb cannot be separated and the parts must remain together. Example: The president of an African country passed away last year.


Take (Phrasal verb)

 We use take in a lot of phrases. The meanings are: hold something with one's hands, and remove (someone or something) from a specific place. Also take can mean “remove without permission”.

We don't use take when we talk about having a meal or a drinkHave is more often used in that case : have breakfast/lunch,etc.


Exercise: choose the right options.


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1. The bad accident took family last month.

2. Jane takes her mother precisely.

3. Shane took his girlfriend because of her bad behaviour.

4. Jason took the green car to repair it.

5. My manager took me to talk about a horrible accident yesterday.

6. John takes on that old man and gives him a hand.

7. Archie took speak French like domestic people.

8. After hearing sounds of shooting, hundreds of deer took the forest.

9. George took asking his supervisor about a new machine procedure.

10. Ana was taken the central public library by a curator.

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