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> Tests similaires : - Pluriel des noms : synthèse - Bilan orthographique de base / débutants - Prétérit ou present perfect - Pluriel des noms - Noms dénombrables et noms indénombrables - Although / in spite of / despite - Adverbes : Still, yet et already - Attendre : wait/expect | |
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Dénombrables ou indénombrables
A noun is a word that we used to recognise a category of people, places or things (common noun), or to name a specific one of these (proper noun). Nouns are countable or uncountable.
Countable nouns: We can count the nouns. e.g.an apple, two apples, ten houses.
1 – They have a singular or plural form. e.g. a door,three doors. Notice: Some nouns only have the plural form e.g. clothes, measures, scissors,trousers.
2 – They can be used with either singular verbs or plural verbs. e.g. The door is big. The doors are big.
3 – We can use singular or plural pronouns instead of nouns. e.g. That desk is nice, it is comfortable. I bought some shelves and they are spacious.
4 – We can measure their weight and we can also count their numbers. e.g. Three kilos of apple. Three pineapples.
5 – We can use with articles like a or an. A table. An orange.
Uncountable nouns: we can't count these types of nouns. e.g. air, rice, water.
1 – They use only the plural form, e.g. advice (not advices), furniture (Not furnitures), Data. Notice: some uncountable nouns are not plural, like news, economics, and physics.
2 – We can use them only with a singular verb, e.g. the sunlight is very useful.
3 – We can replace them with a singular pronoun, e.g. the furniture is made of leather,therefore it is very nice.
4 – We can measure the weight, e.g. Two kilos of sugar. Notice: we can use words like a piece of, a cup of, a bit of, slice of, to measure them. e.g. a piece of information (not information).
5 – We can't use them with articles like an and a, e.g. information (not an information).

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