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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°126253 : Need et gérondif ou infinitif

> Plus de cours & d'exercices d'anglais sur les mêmes thèmes : | -ing | Confusions | Infinitif [Autres thèmes]
> Tests similaires : - Bilan orthographique de base / débutants - Prétérit ou present perfect - Adjectives-ing and ed - Proposition infinitive - Présent BE+V ing-A1 - Although / in spite of / despite - Adverbes : Still, yet et already - Attendre : wait/expect
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Need et gérondif ou infinitif

Compléter les phrases. Explications dans le corrigé.

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1. The dog is so filthy and smelly. It needs (bathe).

2. Danica only eats junk food and that's why she gets sick often. She needs (eat) healthy food.

3. The window pane is broken. It needs (replace).

4. The door hinges creak when opening or closing. They need (oil).

5. My new computer is running more and more slowly all the time. It needs (service).

6. Philip's room is a filthy mess. He needs (tidy up) his room.

7. Bill is getting late to school almost every day. He needs (get up) earlier every day.

8. The lenses of my glasses are all steamed up. They need (wipe).

9. The storm made a hole in the garage roof. Now the roof needs (repair).

10. The TV set is too old. It needs (replace).

11. Mrs. Johnson's backyard is on fire. She needs (dial) 911.

12. The water in the cat's plate looks disgusting It needs (change) .

13. Alice's cat climbed up a tree and now it can't come down. She needs (call) the fire department.

14. My dad's car spends more time in the nearby garage than on the road. He needs (buy) a new one.

15. The grass in the garden got too tall after the rain. It needs (mow).

16. The furniture in the living room is too dusty. It needs (vacuum).

17. Tess is taking a very hard test tomorrow. She needs (rest) well.

18. The kitten scratches the furniture all over the house. It needs (house-train).

19. The floors look filthy. They need (sweep) to say the least.

20. There are a lot of dirty dishes in the kitchen sink. They need (wash).

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Need et gérondif ou infinitif"
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