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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°128117 : Mésaventure

> Plus de cours & d'exercices d'anglais sur les mêmes thèmes : | Confusions | Décrire | Mots [Autres thèmes]
> Tests similaires : - Bilan orthographique de base / débutants - Prétérit ou present perfect - Although / in spite of / despite - Décrire un visage - Adverbes : Still, yet et already - Attendre : wait/expect - Distinction entre Like et As - Again ou Back?
> Double-cliquez sur n'importe quel terme pour obtenir une traduction...


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Cliquez sur la bonne proposition : il s'agit du vocabulaire des voyages en voiture. Une traduction vous est offerte à la correction.

Il n'y aura pas d'images dans le test, celui-ci ne s'y prête pas. Les images ci-dessus sont de chez Pixibay, retravaillées.

Maintenant, c'est à vous. La traduction est dans le corrigé.

Amusez-vous bien et bonne chance !

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1. She had bought a book and read it from A to Z. No car was equipped with a computer or a GPS! Nobody had a cell phone! We were in the seventies.

2. After loading the of the car, checking the levels, inflating her tires, she left for a well-deserved three-week holiday.

3. The road would be very long, she knew it, however, she disliked taking the .

4. As she wanted to avoid a city and its region, she decided to the area.

5. She had taken a . In addition, she had written the main lines of her itinerary on a sheet of paper.

6. But none of the names she saw on the were referenced there.

7. She reached for the names on the road map where they didn't even appear! Her car had not even .

8. She had been , for several kilometres because the fog drowned the countryside. Everywhere was desesperately white...

9. Impossible to ! She was lost in the middle of nowhere, until she arrived in a town that stank of sulfur!

10. She parked the car in the only and then walked for two hours... the opportunity to discover the small mountain town that she knew how to locate on the map. Fortunately, she arrived safe and sound, a few hours later at destination.

Merci de votre participation ! Thanks for participating!

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Mésaventure"
Un exercice d'anglais gratuit pour apprendre l'anglais.
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