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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°129598 : Présent simple et présent v-ing

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> Tests similaires : - Test de niveau grammatical-anglais débutant - Présent en BE + -ING - Présent simple - Fiche synthétique : présent simple / présent en BE + -ING - Présent simple - Présent simple ou BE- ing - Thierry en Angleterre 6 - Modal : may/might
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Présent simple et présent v-ing


PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE... This TENSE is used to talk of any action happening NOW.

How to write the present continuous tense? Use am/is/are + -ing form of the given verb.

 I am teaching you all now. He is teaching you all now.

What is the difference between Simple Present and the Present Continuous Tense?

While Simple Present Tense is used to talk of daily action , ACTION not happening now but action that takes place more often than not or frequently or even daily, the Present Continuous Tense is used for Action HAPPENING NOW.

In the quiz that follows this lesson please first understand whether in the sentence daily action is being referred to or action happening now and accordingly fill in the blanks!


 I go to school daily.

My mother cooks for us.


I am going to school by bus.

My mother is cooking eggs and bacon.

This is all to do with the person in question and the number of persons too.

1 Usually, often, never, generally, always,seldom, frequently etc are the adverbs used with Simple Present Tense

2 Now, at present, at the moment, tonight etc are used with the Present continuous tense.

 Now I believe you are all ready to do an exercise on these tenses and so go on!



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1. He often (dream) of blossoming out into a writer par excellence. Some dream that!

2. Wonder what he (dream) about, for you can hear him groaning for all he is worth!

3. His parents usually (forbid) him from joining us but today as you can see he is in our company and enjoying every moment of it!

4. She (forsake) all those who trust her and that too when they are in dire need so how can you expect her to have any pals at all?

5. They (wolf) food in enormous amounts as you can see. No they are not gluttons but are merely famished!

6. Clara (cut) the vegetables for us today to make our cooking task that much easier. What a brick she is!

7. In cricket it is said that catches win matches. My friend is no butterfingers which means he normally (catch) well.

8. One gallon is 3.7 litres and do you know a camel can at one go and (drink) as many as 53 gallons of water? Blimey!

9. She (burst) to tell us something sensational so we would better lend our ears to her!

10. He never (dwell) on the past and always lives in solid present. Quite sensible of him!

11. She at the moment (dwell) on the past apparently and that is why you can see such a miserable expression on her face!

12. He often (mistake) me for somebody against whom he bears a grudge and so looks at me with hostility!

13. You (spoil) your life by frittering away your precious time doing precious little!

14. They (spread) the red carpet on the floor. Are they expecting some bigwig to visit them or what?

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Présent simple et présent v-ing"
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