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> Tests similaires : - Exprimer une quantité indéfinie : too/too much/too many - Noms dénombrables et indénombrables : cours pour débutants - Bilan de connaissances 1 - Quantifieurs : Some / Any / no - Indiquer une quantité - Noms dénombrables et noms indénombrables - Quantifieurs : Some et any - Some,any,no | |
> Double-cliquez sur n'importe quel terme pour obtenir une traduction... |
How much - how many - a lot of
1. 'Combien' can be translated by 'how much' or 'how many'.
2.a) 'How many' is used before count words.
b) Count words have both a singular and a plural form.
How many books do you have? I have a history book and some geography books.
How many people were at the conference? I saw a person on the stage and some people sitting down.
3.a) 'How much' is used before non-count words.
b) Non-count words have the same form in the singular and the plural.We don't put 'a' before them.
I would like some water.How much water would you like?
c) 'How much' is also used to ask prices.
How much is this water? How much are these books?
4. 'Much'/ 'many' are mostly used in questions and negatives. For the purpose of this exercise, affirmatives take 'a lot of'.
5. Here is a list of some words that are non-count in English (but not necessarily in French)
meat, pollution, information, equipment, advice, work, money, time (in general), food, traffic...

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