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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°130116 : Stubborn, prissy et daft

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> Tests similaires : - Adjectifs en anglais-cours pour débutants - Comparatif de supériorité - Adjectifs et prépositions - Ordre des adjectifs - Superlatif de supériorité et adjectif - Adjectives-ing and ed - Adjectives and adverbs - Ordre des adjectifs
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Stubborn, prissy et daft

In the book I am currently reading the three adjectives from the title appeared.



So they are quite important to understand English books.


daft = silly, often in a way that is amusing


Katy daftly killed all her plants by drowning them. Well, she wanted to make sure they all have enough water!


stubborn = determined not to change your opinion or attitude = obstinate


Brian is so stubborn that he doesn't even listen to the suggestions of his colleagues.

That annoying, stubborn pain in my knee is not easy to get rid of. (here stubborn = persistent) 


prissy = too careful to always behave correctly and appearing easily shocked by rude behaviour, etc


My father wanted to pretend that my friend's mother was his wife to get the reduced entrance price for a family to the swimming pool.

Quite prissily in my opinion, my friend's mother refused, because she insists on honesty and super correct behaviour.


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1. Sally is the person I have ever met. Her silly stories always make me laugh and cheer up.

2. It doesn't make any sense to argue with Peter because he is too .

3. Fortunately, my French teacher is not so that she makes a fuss about every mistake in spelling of mine. Creativity seems to be more important to her.

4. Megan is so . She tried to repair her computer by clicking on as many keys as possible.

5. My girlfriend wants to travel to Australia. Although I explained her a thousand times that a trip to Austria would be much cheaper, she insists on going to Australia regardless of the costs.

6. as Katy is, she always applies to rules no matter whether these make sense or who invented them, just for the sake of obedience.

7. people would never be able to create a test on anglaisfacile because they would not be sure that their sentences respect all the grammar and didactic rules.

8. My mother has pretty ideas about healthy nutrition and self-control. She is quite proud of herself and boasts around with it that she eats products that contain only 70 % sugar and fat instead of 90 %.

9. as Paul is, he will never change his opinion about his son's wife.

10. The pain in my small toe is quite . Not even a Reiki-treatment helped to get rid of it.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Stubborn, prissy et daft"
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