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Guide de conversation 2 : Les appréciations - cours

Guide de conversation 2 - Les appréciations
Etre d'accord
| -Good! Excellent! Right! -Well done! - Perfect! -It looks / sounds pretty good! -I approve of (them / you ...) -What a success! -I'm all for it! -You couldn't have done better!
Ne pas être d'accord
| -You shouldn't do that. -You shouldn't have said so. -It's not very nice. -You can't do that! - It's an absolute disgrace! -I don't like what you do / have done / your friends ...
Demander si on est d'accord ou non
| -Is it all right? -Do you think this is all right? -Do you approve of this? -Do you approve of them doing that?
Exprimer qu'on aime quelque chose
| -This is very nice / pleasant. -I like (very much) your dog / swimming ... -I love...x... / playing the piano ... -I'm fond of (music / walking ...) -I'm keen on (going abroad / the ideas ...) -He's crazy about (football / music ...)
Exprimer qu'on n'aime pas quelque chose
| -This is not very nice / pleasant. -I don't like (very much / at all) (that / getting early / them ..) -I hate (him / big cars / swimming ...) -What a horrible (smell / taste ...) -I'm not very fond of gardening / rock music ...) -I'm not very / really keen on (riding / dogs ...) -I can't stand (him / getting up early I can't bear (doing housework )
Exprimer une préférence
| -I ou I'd prefer (a cup of ... / sleeping / to go to ...) -I'd rather (read that book / go alone ...) -I'd rather not (stay / walk / wait ...) -I'd sooner (do / not do ...) I like ( bananas ...)
Demander si on a une préférence
| -Which do you prefer? -Would you prefer (walking ...)? -Would you rather (go to the cinema...) rather than (walking / stay at home ...)?
Exprimer son indifférence
| -I don't mind / I don't care. -It doesn't matter. -Who cares? -It's got nothing to do with me. -It's none of my business. -I have no preference.
| -I'm sorry to insist but .... -I insist on (going over there / having a nap ...) -It's absolutely essential (you look at me ...) -It must be said that ... -What matters is to keep the receipt / to answer immediately
Exprimer la surprise
| -This is a surprise! -What a surprise! -It's surprising! -It's incredible! -It's impossible! -How very... (strange / surprising ...) -Isn't it / wasn't it (extraordinary...)? -It can't be true! / I can't believe it! -Well; I never! -How amazing!
Exprimer un regret, une déception
| -That's a (great) pity / shame! -It's a pity / shame (it happened today / he couldn't do it...) -I'm very sorry (to have upset you ...) -I wish (you hadn't left so quickly / I'd stayed a little longer) -How I regret ( buying that bicycle ...) -I'm / I was very disappointed. -It is / it was a real blow. -It is / it was a great disappointment. -I had hoped (she'd come ... )
Exprimer la peur ou une inquiétude
| -I'm afraid of cats. -I'm worried about Laurent / the money ... -I was (absolutely) terrified / (so) scared / terribly frightened. -The worrying / frightening thing is (he can't walk ...) -I was shaking with fear.
Merci à lucile83 pour sa proposition d'exercice

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