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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°17644 : Guide de conversation 5 : Informer / s'informer - cours

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Guide de conversation 5 : Informer / s'informer - cours



                  Guide de conversation 5 - Informer / s'informer.       


Asking for information


-(Excuse me) can/ could you tell me (the way to the station/...)

-Do you know (if they are here / when they leave /...)

-Could you give me some information about ...

-Is it true that (they have moved /...)

-Have you got an idea of (when they leave / ...)

-I'd like to know (what he does / ...)



Correcting agreeing with a statement


-Yes, it is / was / will ...

-Oh yes, I did / Oh no, I didn't.

-That's (quite) right.

-No, it isn't really so.

-I'm sorry but that isn't correct.

- Well, it's the contrary in fact.



Asking about language


-Pardon? / I beg your pardon?

-I'm sorry I didn't catch what you said.
-What do you mean?

-What is the meaning of ...?

-How do you pronounce..?

-How do you say that?

-How is it spelt? How do you spell ...?



Expressing certainty


Being sure.

I'm sure / certain (that) (he will come / ...)

-There is no doubt about it.

-No doubt (you'd like to see your gift / ...)

-I certainly think / believe that (she was unhappy / ...)

-I'm positive on that point.

I'm certain...

-It is obvious that ...

-That goes without saying.

-It's crystal clear.

-It's as sure as two and two make four.

Being less sure.

-I think so

-I think that ( they will be there by 6 / ...)

-I suppose so.

-I suppose / expect that ( it is the way to the bus stop /...)

-I believe that ( he is sick / ...)

-I assume (that ) (they did it / ...)

-It's more than probable that ...

-I wouldn't be surprised if ....

Being unsure.

I'm not sure (that) ...

-I wonder if...

-I doubt if ...

-May be / perhaps (they're right / ...)

-It's very doubtful whether (he'll accept / ...)

-There's a little chance of ( arriving in time / ...)

-It isn't known for use ...

Not knowing.

-I don't think so.

-I don't think that (they will give her a ring / ...)

-I don't know / I've no idea / I wouldn't like to say (where it is).

-I haven't the faintest idea.

-Sorry, I can't tell you.



Inquiring about certainty


-Are you (quite) sure (that) ...

-Do you think so?

-Do you think that ...?

-Do you believe / suppose that (it's a good idea / ...)?



Expressing possibility


-It is possible

-It is possible (that) (it rains / ...)

-I / you ... can (drive / read / ...)

-He / we / ... is/are capable of ( doing better / ...)



Expressing impossibility


-It is impossible

-It is impossible (that) (it rains / ...)

-I / you ... can't (drive / read / ...)

-You can't possibly ( do this / ...)



Inquiring about possibility


-Is it possible?

-Is it possible (that) (he will come / ...)

-Will he / she / they .. be able to (do it / ...)?

-Can he / she /.... (drive / read /...)?



Expressing obligation


-You have (got) (to go / ...)

-We / you ..must (leave / ...)

-Do behave yourself!

-It is compulsory.
You are to .. (be there at 4 / ...)

-We are forced to do so.

-We were obliged to (pay / ...)



Expressing there is no obligation


-It's not necessary / not necessarily.

-No) you needn't / you don't need to ... (go out / ...)

-No need to (wait / ...)

-You don't have to .. (wait / ...)

-You haven't got to (wash the car / ...)

-It is not compulsory.

-It is not absolutely vital.

-Why should you?

-You aren't obliged to ...(wait for them /...)



Inquiring about obligation


-Must we ( go / stay /...)

-Do you have to ( wash our hands / wait/...)

-Have I / we got to ( go now /...)

-Is it compulsory?

-Am I / Are we required to ( take an exam / ...)

-Need we (stay / ...)

-Am I to (wait here / ...) ?

-Am I obliged to (leave / ...)?

-Are we supposed to (read this book / ...)?



Forbidding, refusing permission


Parking is strictly forbidden / prohibited here.

-Trespassers will be prosecuted.

-No begging / parking / waiting / ...

-They won't let me (go out / ...)

-Nobody is to (enter this area / ...)

-I was refused permission to ( use my car / ...)

-You may not (drink alcohol / ...)

-We weren't allowed to (talk / ...)

-It's out of question.
-Smoking / drinking alcohol .. is not permitted/ is prohibited.



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Mode d'emploi : cliquez sur chaque terme pour reconstituer la phrase. Cliquez sur les boîtes pour recommencer.

1.Savez-vous à quelle heure part le train?

2.Désolée mais je n'ai pas saisi ce que vous avez dit.

3.Il est évident que ce garçon est paresseux.

4.Viendra-t-elle au cinéma avec nous? suppose que oui.

5.Etes-vous sûr qu'il va pleuvoir?

6.Il est impossible que tu manges le gâteau entier.

7.Tu n'es pas obligé de te lever à 6h.

8.Nous devons lire tous ces livres.

9.Il est interdit de fumer ici.

10.Inutile d'attendre, elle ne viendra pas.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Guide de conversation 5 : Informer / s'informer - cours"
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